Pineapple Lily
Late Summer 2022
- 19
Mid Summer 2020
- 10
Late Summer 2019
- 13
Mid Summer 2019
- 9
Mid Winter 2019
- 10
Late Summer 2018
- 14
Mid Summer 2018
- 14
Mid Summer 2018
- 14
Mid Summer 2018
- 16
Mid Summer 2018
- 18
Early Summer 2018
- 31
Early Summer 2018
- 7
Early Summer 2018
- 14
Early Summer 2018
- 8
Early Summer 2018
- 23
Early Summer 2018
- 16
Early Summer 2018
- 15
Late Spring 2018
- 6
Mid Summer 2017
- 3
Mid Summer 2017
- 7
Mid Summer 2017
- 3

Late Summer 2022
Mid Summer 2020

#bestofjuly #pineapplelily woohoo! Four blooms!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@columbiariver yay!!😊💘😍

Impressive 🍍🍍🍍

@gjones thanks Katy! I don't seem to have very good luck with these 🤷♀️💘😍

@pelly aww thanks Jane!💘😍

Shelley were your little pineapples a pinkish color first. I have one from Florida this is the first year it bloomed. So do you eventually cut the pineapple off?? Can it give you another plant?? Just wondering. 😊💕

@terrimclaughlin no they were whitish, I don't cut mine until it's done, like tulips, yes they will multiply and you get more!😊💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍
Late Summer 2019

#pineapplelily #upclose

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Great detail and love the deep pink edges 💕

@cyndi thanks! That's true!💘😍

@kez001uk thanks friend!💘😍

Beautiful photo 💚💜

Beautiful 👌

Morning Shelley @ShelleySnyder Love these 😍😘

@pelly thanks so much Jane!💘😍

@suerichards so nice of you!💘😍

@jadojado29 morning Suzie 🙋! I love these too!💘😍

@gardengirlla thanks so much Maggie!💘😍
Mid Summer 2019

#pineapplelily this took forever to bloom this year!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Wow they are great Shelley🤗

@cyndi thank you so much!💘😍

@godfreye Thank you Enid!💘😍

@gjones thanks for your kindness!💘😍

@gjones really!? I grew these new last year from a new bulb, but for some reason this year they were so slow at first I didn't think they were coming up and after they finally did I didn't think they were gonna bloom! So it has been a strange year for them🤔💘😍

@ShelleySnyder mine took forever to flower as well Shelley 😊

@lovemygarden65 I guess it was a slow year!🤷💘
Mid Winter 2019

#pineapplelily oh my! These are over 6" tall!😳 I hope they don't start blooming and a hard freeze comes along and sends them into the ozone!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

I just divided large clumps of these today!

@HollynTexas I just got this last year so I won't have to do that yet😊💘😍

@ShelleySnyder it’s naturalized very well!

@gjones yes! I just hope they are smarter than the weather!😂💘😍

@cyndi thanks Cyn!💘😍

My yard is so confused

@momasherri must be like mine then!🤔💘😍

@columbiariver so are we!😳 oh well, can't control mother nature 💘😍
Late Summer 2018

#pineapplelily I can't believe how long this is blooming and in the heat we've had no less!! One of my new favorites!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

We are definitely adding these next year, just gorgeous 🍍 😍

@hayleyaj you should! I'm certainly impressed with them!💘😍

Gorgeous 😍

@angiecrazycatlady thanks Angie!💘😍

@gjones thank you Katy!💘😍

@columbiariver aww! Thanks!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder i had seeds to these and they never grew 😕yours are gorgeous girlfriend 😂😂💜

@hannahchristine hey girlfriend! How are you? You haven't been on lately! Thanks! I bought bulbs this spring for this one and was surprised it bloomed, didn't expect it till next year!😁💘😍

@ShelleySnyder ive been good just been busy in the yard and putting poison because the rats outside are eating the pears mesding with tje orange tree i have and my lemon tree they are bold they come out in the day ive seen them coming from my neighbours house in the ally and u welcome 💜😙

@hannahchristine glad to hear you're good! Ooooooh!! I hate rats!!😠 We always have to keep stuff outside for the little buggers! Good luck!😝😕💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#pineapplelily new to me, this one is called glow sticks, there is no sign of a flower and the tag said nothing about it so we will see! I'm not sure I'll like it if it doesn't flower!🤔

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@columbiariver it will! It says it starts out coppery-gold in spring and turns to this green-gold, so even without flowers it may be a keeper!💘😍

I think we'll all be watching this with interest Shelley 🤔🤔😘

@pelly I will try to keep it posted then!😁💘😍


@cyndi guess I'm gonna have to do that to!😁💘😍

I like the look of that one, Shelley 👍 Let’s hope it produces a fabulous flower 🤞 @ShelleySnyder

@jacaranda thanks! I'm hoping!😁💘😍

@columbiariver thanks neighbor!💘😍

Love them🤗

@godfreye Thank you Enid!💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#pineapplelily new to me, this one is called tiki, ain't she sweet!? @rachelbrooks a close up for you!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Oh she’s a real cutie patootie Shelley! And she’d look lovely amongst the white ones I think 💕

@rachelbrooks thanks! I'm gonna have to think about that cuz they have a favorite grass in front of them and behind you wouldn't see them 🤔 so I got some thinkin to do!😁💘😍

@cyndi thanks girl!💘😍

I’m sure you’ll find a perfect spot for it ☺️

@rachelbrooks thanks Rach!💘😍

@gjones Thank you! It seems to be a little darker than my other purple one 💘😍

Like this colouring!

@valjones-hughes thanks! It's really pretty!💘😍

Evening Shelley @ShelleySnyder 😱 you been plant buying again think your well & truly an addict you might have to see someone about that 😂 You got some lovely plants there Shelley 😘

@jadojado29 evening Suzie! I am an addict !😂 I admit it! There is no help for this kind of addiction!😂😂💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#pineapplelily @rachelbrooks a better picture of the the big boys!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

They’re fabulous Shelley! 😍💚👌

Whoa!! Hello boys! 🤣 I’ll have to stand on tiptoe to see these ones Shelley! 💚💜💚

@mich Thank you so much!💘😍

@rachelbrooks 😂😂 yes ma'am!😂😂💘😍

@gjones thank you Katy!💘😍

Now those are great plants Shelley!

@valjones-hughes thanks Val! I think they are great to!💘😍

@columbiariver Thank you Laura! Shame on me I got 2 more new ones today!😲💘😍

Those are lookin pretty darn good there!!!! And of course, u went and got two more!!lol😊💕

So are they bulbs??😊💕
Mid Summer 2018

#pineapplelily @rachelbrooks in the purple corner we have 6 1/2" and in the verigated corner we have 22 1/2" !! This challenge was to much for me! I had to take 4 pics of each one to get a half way decent picture!😕😂😂😂

@hayleyaj 💘😍

😂😂😂 well you’re the winner! That’s a whopper Shelley...a real woohooligan in fact! 😉 But I do love the weeny purple one I have to say ☺️💜

@cyndi thanks girl!!💘😍

@rachelbrooks ooooooh I win!? I thought it was just a challenge!😂 The weeny purple one is a cutie, it's new and was in bud when I got them, the big one was a set of bulbs I planted this spring, so I'm thrilled with how they have done!💘😍

You’re always a winner in my book 😉 love it when things grow...I have such low expectations so I get so excited when they actually do! 🤣 need this purple one for next year for sure 👍🏼

@cyndi 💘💘💘😍

@rachelbrooks aww thanks Rach! I try not to get to excited but it's hard!😂 You do need the weeny ones!💘😍

I do! I do!! 💜

Liking the tiny one!

@valjones-hughes they are awful cute aren't they!💘😍

@columbiariver thanks!💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#pineapplelily #upclose here's a closer look at this beauty!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Stunning Shelley! 😍

@hayleyaj thank you hayley!💘😍

Ohh ohh ohh beautiful 😍😍😍

Fabulous plants 👍 Must get one of these to grow, as tried seeds, but soooo slow!

That a wonder Shelley. Can’t wait for mine!

So pretty!

@pelly thanks!💘😍

@jeatacake try from bulbs Jeff, it'll be faster!😊💘😍

@valjones-hughes isn't it pretty!💘😍

Gorgeous! Such defined petals! 💜
Early Summer 2018

#pineapplelily woohooligans!! Blooming!! I planted these two bulbs this spring and I'm rewarded with this! I'm thrilled!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍


@valjones-hughes Thank you Val!💘😍

@gjones 😂😂💘😍

A really cool looking plant!!!🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin isn't it cool!! This is new this year from bulbs! I may have to get more, if only I had room!😭 I'll be looking!😁💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#pineapplelily #alohalily #upclose

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Oh now wait a minute!! You’ve got a pink one!! 😯💕 I didn’t know you could get a pink one!!

Beautiful Shelley, the lovely Laura @columbiariver sent me some seeds but unfortunately they failed, I was gutted. 🌸🌸🌸

@rachelbrooks hold on to your horses!!😂 It's actually kinda purpleish pink, check out the alohalily 😉💘😍

@pelly thanks Jane! Don't feel bad I am the absolute worst at seeds!😕💘😍

I must admit I’ve not done as well this year as I did the year before Shelley 🤬🤬🤬

I love how funky these are😍😍😍

@SikoMa me too!💘😍

@gjones me too!!😁💘😍

💖💓💖 love these

@Keely thanks!💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#pineapplelily #alohalily she has bloomed! Doesn't look like grapes anymore!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Oh I love it! 💕💚🍍💚💕

@rachelbrooks you need one!!😉💘😍

Oh I most definitely do!!

And the foliage is so pretty😍

@SikoMa thanks! It is pretty funky!😂💘😍

@gjones thanks! So far so good!💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#pinneapplelily #alohalily WOOHOOLIGANS!! Ain't she a little cutie!? Looks kinda like tiny grapes!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@columbiariver thanks! Little cuties!😁💘😍

😆😆😆👍🏼👍🏼 you have three woohooligans! That’s a whole kookybunch right there! 😉

@rachelbrooks actually there's more woohooligans behind those! Jut didn't get them in the pic🤪💘😍

Very cute 😍😍😍

@pelly thanks!💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy!💘😍

Growing these for the first time this year. So far only green leaves but now I know what to look for. Thanks @ShelleySnyder 👍😘

I like these. Will they get bigger?

@jacaranda hi Barbara! It all depends on which pineapple lilies you have, the flowers on most look like a cluster with a top notch, these I just got and I'm not sure if they will actually open up more, time will tell! Check out in the encyclopedia and I think you'll see better examples to go by, I have two others and they don't look like this! Hope this helps 😄💘😍

@jeatacake I don't think they will, once they start blooming it usually an indication of size, so these are real small!💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#pineapplelily I am over the moon!! This is going to bloom this year!! The first year!! My others took several years before I got the first blooms! I moved them this spring and see no sign of blooms on them so at least my new ones will bloom!! WOOHOO!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Looking lush 😍

@suerichards Thank you Sue!💘😍

@cyndi thanks! Me too!!😉💘😍

@gjones me too!💘😍

Love these. Got mine flowering in their first year by starting them indoors above a radiator 🍍🍍🍍

@vec I feel lucky cuz I planted these directly outside a couple of months ago!💘😍

Mine have been outside next to my west wall for years. I had never seen them before we moved here

@momasherri do yours bloom?💘😍

Can't wait to see them bloom 💕

@hayleyaj thanks Hayley!💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#pineapplelily these are getting so big and look so good, new this year from bulbs! Do I dare think they will bloom!?🤔😁

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@columbiariver thanks! I am planning on it!!💘😍

I’m growing these as well Shelley @ShelleySnyder for the 1st time this year after seeing all the posts last year mine are a little bigger than yours but I’m still waiting for the flowers 👍😘

@jadojado29 I have some others that I've had for quite a few years and it took a couple of years for them to bloom, but I don't remember them getting this big so I'm hoping that means it won't take so long for blooms this time!🤞🤞💘😍

Mine are in flower but I started them off indoors with bottom heat. Last year's that I left in the ground didn't survive the winter. I reckon yours will flower this year

@vec oh wow! I hope you're right about that!🤞💘😍

They look healthy enough Shelley 💚💚💚

@gjones you should give them a try, they are very cool!!💘😍

What would be colour of Blooms

@gauravsh6 they are going to be a creamy white with a dark reddish edge, The should be beautiful!💘😍

Ok, just saw Encylopedia link photos. Indeed they look lovely. Some light yellow ones also up there
Late Spring 2018

#pineapplelily I know this doesn't look like much but I am so thrilled!! I planted 2 bulbs and both are coming up! WOOHOO!! The last time I planted pineapple Lily bulb's it took a few years to bloom (they barely grew much!) I hope that doesn't happen this time!🤞🤞🤞

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@ShelleySnyder Thrilled for you. Mine were packed in a removalist box for 18 months before being planted too late for summer flowering. They are slow growing and can take a couple of seasons to bloom. At least they are hardy and the magnificent flowers are a rewarding wait. Good luck for summer flowers. 🙃

@Annettenoosa thank you Annette! Well now I know I probably won't get flowers this year but as long as the foliage looks good I'll be happy with that! Good luck with yours!💘😍

Yay Shelley 👏 .. I also notice one of mine is coming up too 🤞😘

@greenfinger14 👏👏👏👍💘😍
Mid Summer 2017

#pineapplelily she's getting bigger blooms but still not as big as @columbiariver !!😭 You just wait and see!!😂😂😂

Lol! Shelley...S Little Competition I see..hehe! I'd love to have one of these, if u don't mind,plz😍

I have several, uniquely lovely
Mid Summer 2017

#pineapplelily #babies just a closeup of my baby pineapple flowers! Aaaww!😙

So cute!

Awe to think how big they get soooo teeny 👌😊

Aww,look at the little babies ❣❣

So nice😍🐞 @ShelleySnyder

Looks so healthy. I have one of these but it never does well. It may get too much water.

@leaskp1 it took several years for this to thrive and bloom!! It is'nt over watered thats for sure and it getsa fair amount of sun.💘😍
Mid Summer 2017

#pineapplelily GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY GT FRIENDS!! HAPPY THRUSDAY!! My pineapple lily is finally gona bloom!! This may be the bast photo I'll get of it! Cuz the hubs is a wacker!! At some point I'll go out there and see the leaves on the front of it wacked off!!😲 he says it's in the way of mowing WHAT!!??😲😨 I can't stop him!!😢😂😂☹

Oh..I'd whip😂😂 great shot!

@columbiariver aren't they cute!!?🍍🍍🍍🍍
#augustblooms #pineapplelily #smallcuteblooms these may be small but they pack a punch!
@lovestogarden thanks so much!💘😍
Cute is just the right word 💕💕💕
Love it Shelley gorgeous colour🤗
Lovely little blooms. 💗
@pelly thanks! I thought so too! 💘😍
@godfreye thank you so much Enid! 💘😍
@hkyfvr thanks so much! I agree! 💘😍
Always welcome 💗
They look fabulous Shelley 💖💖💖
@jeatacake thanks so much Jeff! 💘😍