Heuchera 'Midnight Rose'
Early Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2018

#heuchera #midnightrose this is the only leaf on this plant that looks like this, (like it's supposed to!) The rest are a dusty dark and greyish!🤔 I wonder why

@hayleyaj 💘😍

It’s stunning!!! I hope the rest catch up 😉😍

@cyndi thanks Cyn!💘😍

@kez001uk thanks Kerry, I hope so too!💘😍

What a wonderful midnight rose! I have no idea why the others are grey! Hybrid???

Wow! Your one leaf has beautiful color! Is this something new that you planted this year?

@kimguy @gjones @travelgirl25 Thank you all so much! I don't know what the problem is, I've had this for several years and it's always been a beautiful color but this year it's so strange! But then there's alot of strangeness going on this summer!🤔💘😍

Mine is not this vibrant but it's not grey or dusty looking either. Could it be that's it's getting old? Are heuchera short lived? Or it's got second hand smoke syndrome?

@lesliecole49 heuchs are a funny plant, I've had some that stay around for years and years and others that don't stay around very long, so I suppose it could be on its way out I guess I'll see next year 💘😍

I know that makes me Dusty! Lol. @lesliecole49. @ShelleySnyder

@kimguy 😂😂💘😍
#heuchera #midnightrose midnight rose after some rain!
@hayleyaj 💘😍
This is a beautiful colour. And the subtle variegation is so pretty 😍
@kez001uk thanks! I love this one!💘😍
@columbiariver thanks! This is a good one!💘😍
Beautiful 💕💕💕
@suerichards aww! Thanks Sue!💘😍