Justicia brandegeana
Shrimp plant
Early Summer 2018
- 14
Late Autumn 2017
- 4
Mid Autumn 2017
- 8
Early Autumn 2017
- 5
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 11

Justicia brandegeana
Early Summer 2018
Late Autumn 2017

#shrimpplant #beddybyforwinter my shrimp plant is hanging on for dear life out in the garage! Apparently she doesn't know it's as cold as it is!

She's still so pretty

Thanks Kim! @kimguy 💘😍

@columbiariver yeah untill about March then she'll loose all her leaves and flowers just in time to put it back outside!🤣🤣
Mid Autumn 2017

#shrimpplant sorta orange? Bout time to put her in for the winter!

Lol the name tho🤣 @ShelleySnyder

Love all those blooms!!! @ShelleySnyder

@kimguy thanks Kim!!💘😍

@alysha just so you know I didn't make up the name of this one!😂😂😂😂 Honest!!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder thought never crossed my mind... it is some of the names for plants.. they crack me up. It's beautiful by the way!! 🤗😝😂🤣😁🌺

@alysha no thought! Right!😂 The names that really crack me up are some of the succulents and cactus! They're crazy!!😲😂😂💘😍 Oh and thank you!!

You are all so right. I think it is a pretty plant with a gross name. Lol @ShelleySnyder. @alysha
Early Autumn 2017

#shrimpplant love this, but honestly I don't see shrimp! Is it just me?

When the petals come out the end, it kinda looks like a shrimp

@Doomsdoor kinda!🤣💘😍

Your so funny Shelly!!! I have one bloom on mine. Hannah gave me a cutting and I got excited with one. Well next year hopefully mine will be as beautiful as yours is now. Looks great👍🏻👍🏻

Nope not just u..lol..but I'm waiting for them to crawl off plant..hehe❣️it's so cool looking❣️
Late Summer 2017

#shrimpplant better late than never!

So Cool!
Mid Summer 2017

#shrimpplant it's finally starting to get a few more blooms !!! Woopee!!!🦐🦐🦐(close!)


@Acetaker thanks!! But this year it has been disappointing! Last year it was blooming by the end of June and it was so full you couldn't hardly see the leaves!!! It was like that till I had to bring it in for winter- go figure!!?

Blame it on this weather..ughhh!😍 Ok I'm going to ask...y is it called shrimp plant🙃😏🤔

@Acetaker yes that I see the common name, cuz someone decided the flowers look like 🍤, I guess it sorta does!?

@columbiariver 😂😂😂😂

I have never seen a Shrimp Plant before. How pretty!

@travelgirl25 @Acetaker @columbiariver you Peeps are forcing me to look up the batanical name !! Aren't you!??😂😂🤔

@travelgirl25 @Acetaker @columbiariver lookup justicia and see all the wonderful plants this genes has ! They are cool!!!

Will Do Shelley 😍

Cant wait till mine blooms more
#shrimpplant @Yollymac look at this pityful excuse for a plant!!😠😭 This actually has a bud on it!🤔 Sorry about the blur, swipe and you can see it last year 😲
@hayleyaj 💘😍
Oh my gosh!!! Time for a systemic pesticide?
@Yollymac 😂😂 I've done everything, you name it , I've done it! So I'm up a creek without a paddle!!😭😂💘😍
Omg they look like lil shrimp!!! I've never seen this plant before
Maybe cyndi has advice - won’t let me tag her.. 🤨
@Zsazmeane you must have swiped!? Cuz this year it's a horror movie!😂💘😍
@Yollymac I'll try and tag her, @cyndi it worked! But honestly I don't think there's anything left I can do 💘😍
ck roots for problems. does it have aphids?
@moore.794 repotted it and checked the roots, I actually had a plant once that was being eatin alive by cranefly!😲 So I do remember to check roots, no prob there, thanks tho!💘😍
@cyndi I'll see if I can find out my soil composition, I can tell you it's the same as it was last year when it was doing so good, I put in new soil but it's the same kind I always use 💘😍
@cyndi honestly, I have checked everything! I'm completely stumped! I've had Plants do this before and they usually end up dead and buried! This is hanging on for dear life cuz it actually has a couple of very very very small buds on it!😲😂 So it's wait and see! Thanks for your input tho!💘😍