Rhododendron impeditum
Rhododendron (Species) Dwarf Purple Rhododendron
Mid Spring 2019
- 33
Early Winter 2019
- 7
Mid Spring 2018
- 11
Early Spring 2018
- 10
Late Winter 2018
- 2
Late Winter 2018
- 23
Early Spring 2017
- 1

Rhododendron impeditum
Mid Spring 2019
Early Winter 2019

#rhododendron another one that is apparently confused!😳 This is absolutely loaded with blooms as you can see, I hope it holds off till the right time!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones it does Katy!🤔💘😍

Same in Germany. It's kinda strange that they are confused in so many different places 🤔

My dwarf one flowered in late autumn Shelley, thankfully it’s full of buds again now 👍👍

@natii just crazy ain't it!🤦💘😍

@pelly I've had some that got a few blooms in the fall, but not full on blooming! It will be interesting to see if this blooms at the usual time 💘😍
Mid Spring 2018

#springflowers #rody #purple I do like my standards! #standard

Wowzer I don't just like your standards I love your standards 💜💜💜


@Keely aww! Thanks Keely! They are so great for small yard's you can have so much more!! I just love them too!!💘😍

@jeatacake thanks a bunch Jeff!💘😍

@hayleyaj 💘😍

I just love this standard 😍

@suerichards thanks! Me too!😁💘😍

Stunning 😍😍

@greenfinger14 thanks mel!💘😍

@columbiariver thanks! Yes it's a must to get the reliable ones! Then at least you have some spring color!😉💘😍
Early Spring 2018

#rododendron #standard there she goes!! Next shot should be a purple ball! Woohoo!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi no, we bought them that way, I'm afraid it would take to long to do it myself, I don't think I have that much time!😂😂 Thanks Cyn!💘😍


Sorry type wrong on last text...don't really know what happened ....Lol 😂

@mariomartins 😂😂😂💘😍

Shelley it’s beautiful 😍

@suerichards thank you Sue! I really like this one too!💘😍

Oh a standard! Lovely 💜

@hayleyaj thanks Hayley! I do love my standards!😁💘😍
Late Winter 2018

#standard this is my rody that is soon to burst into bloom 💜💜💜

@columbiariver good morning neighbor! Thank you!💘😍
Late Winter 2018

#rododendron ooooohhhhweeee!! She's gonna be loaded!! She's been ever faithful! She's a standard 😁

That's gonna be gorgeousssssss 🌼🌻🌼

Can’t wait to see it in bloom 💕😍

@lifeonaroofterrace yes, it usually is! I will post when it's in full bloom!💘😍

@suerichards me either Sue! It's getting close!!💘😍

@cyndi she is loaded big time isn't she!😁💘😍

Oh wow look at all those buds look forward to seeing it in its full glory 👌

@Keely pretty soon now I think!💘😍

@cyndi you and me!😁💘😍

That going to be amazing Shelley. 💜💜

@pelly oh I hope so Jane! I'm waiting waiting waiting!😂💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy! I sure hope so!!💘😍
Early Spring 2017

My rhody is getting ready to burst! Yippee!!
#rhododendron #standard #purple talk about looooaded with blooms!
@hayleyaj 💘😍
Oh wow 👀 that’s just incredible. Puts mine to shame 🤣
@kez001uk yours will only get better every year!💘😍
@ShelleySnyder here’s hoping 😊
Those are really an eye stopper. Beautiful Shelley 😊💕
@terrimclaughlin thanks so much!💘😍
@littlemorningglory thank you Gracie!💘😍
@gjones so far this does this every year!😳💘😍
🤯 WOW! Talk about a POP of color! 👁️👁️💖
@lovestogarden me too!🤯💜💜💘😍