Strobilanthes dyeriana 'Persian Shield'
Persian Shield
Mid Summer 2022
- 9
Mid Summer 2021
- 15
Mid Autumn 2020
- 15
Mid Summer 2020
- 14
Late Summer 2019
- 9
Mid Summer 2019
- 14
Early Spring 2019
- 12

Strobilanthes dyeriana 'Persian Shield'
Mid Summer 2022
Mid Summer 2021

#persianshield #purple #purpleandsilver love this stuff! But it looks suspiciously pinkish in this photo, trust me it's very purple!

So beautiful 🤩 you know I love it 🥰

@docthrill I do know! Thanks!💘😍

I love it too! I’m jealous, they didn’t have it at my local nursery this year.

@cheriej I usually get mine inside with the house plants, very very seldom am I ever able to find it in the outdoor gardening🤷♀️ 💘😍

@gjones I totally agree Katy!💘😍

It’s colours are beautiful 💜💜💜

Great colour hun 💜💜

@pelly thanks! The color is quite outstanding!💘😍

@juliesgarden thank you I think so too!💘😍

I love these. I was surprised to find one in an outdoor garden centre. Trying to get more purple in mine without burning the leaves. Using grow lights. 💜💜

@hkyfvr So do I Diane! I'm surprised that all garden centers don't carry them ,I think they would sell like hotcakes!💘😍
Mid Autumn 2020

#favorite #persianshield #purpleandsilver this is truly one of my favorite plants!

@cyndi yes they are!💘😍

That’s gorgeous Shelley. Love it. 😍

@philstalder thank you Phil! It really is a gorgeous plant!💘😍

Hmm, wondering why I don’t have one....🧐😂

I like mine too, a lot.

Love the colour of this 💜💜💜

The colour are beautiful. I really must get one but have never seen it here. Will keep looking. 💜😊

@pelly thanks Jane!💘😍

@hkyfvr thanks! Lots of times I only find this in the house plant section 💘😍

Always welcome. Thanks will be on the lookout. 💜😊

That color 😍😍😍
Mid Summer 2020

#bestofjuly #persianshield #purpleandsilver one of my favorites!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Love the purple! 💜💜

They are so awesome, from purple to silver. And they grow so fast. One of my favorite foliage. Now I have to post mine, it’s been a while. 😆

@docthrill I totally agree!💘😍

While I haven't been actively looking, I still can't find them at our garden centers!

@KariSamuel look in the house plants!💘😍

@gjones 😘💘😍

The always cool Persian Shield. I love that one Shelley!!😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thanks Terri!💘😍

The colour purple is fabulous. Got to get one of those for sure🤩

@hkyfvr they really are very cool!💘😍
Late Summer 2019

#foliagefriday #upclose #purple #persianshield I'm in love!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Always looks so beautiful 💜

@kez001uk thanks Kerry! I agree!💘😍

@cyndi I second that!💘😍

Still love it.......still not got one 💜💜

Gorgeous 💚💜 I never did find one! 😏 #theresalwaysnextyear 😊

@gjones they do don't they!💘😍

@pelly @rachelbrooks hopefully you two ladies will find some of this next year!🤞💘😍
Mid Summer 2019

#persianshield #purple @vec here's my outrageousness! Paired with a tri colored potato vine 🤔

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Sooooo jealous! Love this plant, can’t find it anywhere! 💜💚💜

@rachelbrooks try looking were the house plants are sold, even here most of the time I have to get mine there!💘😍

@rachelbrooks wyevales had them yesterday

Looking fabulous Shelley 😍

@vec thanks Julie!💘😍

Ooh thanks Sparkly!

Really?! Ooh I know where I’m going in the morning then! I don’t normally go to Wyevales! 😂 thanks 👍🏼😊 @vec

There was 30% off all bedding plants too @rachelbrooks

Oh dear! 🙈😂 @vec

Lovely combination Shelley 🤗
Early Spring 2019

#persianshield #foliagefriday #purple one of my all time favorites!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Of course , another Persian!!!👍🏻🤗🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin yep!! Gotta get my Persian shield!🤗💘😍

I took cuttings and tried to overwinter this. It really wasn’t my most successful project. Does anyone have any tips. I love this plant!

@janetandjim hi Janet 🙋 has your cutting's rooted? I imagine it turned to a sickly greenish and something I'm not sure what to call it! Is it gangly? My suggestion is to cut it back (be sure you have leaf nodes) and get it into as much sun as you can, it may take a while but it should come back to this beauty!🙂💘😍

Oh mine too! 😍

Great colour 💜

Wow that’s gorgeous 💜

@gjones agreed!!💘😍

@juliesgarden isn't it though!💘😍

@suerichards thanks Sue!💘😍
#persianshield #bestofjuly #purple #favorite I do think this is one of my favs!
@gjones thanks Katy! It really is!💘😍
@gjones thanks Katy! It really is!💘😍
Fabulous colour 💜
@juliesgarden thanks!! 💘😍
Love the colours 💜😍
@hkyfvr me too Diane! 💘😍
I have these too!! One of my favorites. Mine are not real happy in the current heat though. Yours looks great!!! 💜💜💜
@cheriej yeah the heat can be a problem!💘😍