Hydrangea petiolaris 'Mirranda' syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris 'Mirranda'
Climbing Hydrangea 'Mirranda'
Mid Spring 2023
- 1
Early Summer 2022
- 2
Mid Spring 2022
- 4
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Early Winter 2020
- 6
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 1

Hydrangea petiolaris 'Mirranda' syn. Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris 'Mirranda'
Mid Spring 2023
Early Summer 2022
Mid Spring 2022

Climbing Hydrangea now 4 years old and it looks like I’m going to have flowers this year! Happy Days #climbinghydrangea-miranda #foliagefriday #buds

I need to check mine, look forward to seeing your flowers 🤍💚🤍


Looking super healthy. I look forward to seeing this one in bloom 💚💚
Early Spring 2021

So delighted to see new foliage and #buds on Climbing Hydrangea ‘Miranda’ 😍 #foliagefriday #climbinghydrangea-miranda Happy Days! Have a good weekend GT friends 🍃☀️😃💕
Early Winter 2020

7 January 2020 A wee bit late today for this #signsoflife but delighted to see #newgrowth on this Climbing Hydrangea 😃💕Happy Days #climbinghydrangea-miranda

Ps To the techies @teamgardentags @ukgardentags I've just discovered I can stretch a photo to zoom in to see details and posts are all dated. Wonderful!! When did all these changes happen? Were Santa's 🎅 little elves working overtime after Christmas? Well Done and Many Thanks 👏👏👏

I can only zoom on my ipad, not on my android phone????

Oh that's a pity Vivien @sadieberg. I can zoom in on both iPad and iPhone. Hope the techies @teamgardentags @ukgardentags can help you😃💕

I think Android is coming later Vivien, they have only added it to apple devices at the moment in the last update. But hopefully it will be coming very soon for you 🤞🏼 @sadieberg @sho47

That’s good to know Richard, having an Apple iPad and an android phone, I can see the differences between them. @richard.spicer.7906
Late Winter 2019

17/03/2019 Delighted to report the sun is shining today☀️ And also to see my Climbing Hydrangea 'Miranda' seems to be doing well. It's still in original pot as haven't decided where it should go yet #climber #newgrowth Happy St Patrick's Day 🍀💚 #climbinghydrangea-miranda
Early Spring 2018

09 April 2018 Climbing Hydrangea Petiolaris 'Mirranda' Another new purchase at the weekend. 😍Happy Days 😃💕 #climbinghydrangea-miranda
Climbing Hydrangea ‘Miranda’ is looking promising 😁Plenty buds on display this lovely sunny morning #buds Happy Days!