Paeonia x festiva 'Rosea Plena' syn. Paeonia officinalis 'Rosea Plena', Paeonia 'Old Double Rose'
Peony 'Rosea Plena' (Herbaceous)
Mid Spring 2023
- 2
Mid Spring 2023
- 7
Late Spring 2022
- 5
Late Spring 2021
- 5
Late Spring 2021
- 4
Late Spring 2020
- 11
Late Spring 2020
- 4
Mid Spring 2020
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 2
Late Spring 2017
- 1

Paeonia x festiva 'Rosea Plena' syn. Paeonia officinalis 'Rosea Plena', Paeonia 'Old Double Rose'
Mid Spring 2023
Mid Spring 2023

Delighted to see my 46 year old Peony Rose with lots of #buds this morning!! It’s a ‘waiting game’ in my garden at the moment😁Wonder how many blooms I’ll have this year ? Happy Days😃💕

How come you don’t have ants…..😆

I really don’t know why Elaine -I just don’t seem to have any ants at all, thank goodness 😃💕 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Wow...46 years, amazing! I just house, had to leave a garden behind...i wanted to say goodbye to each and every plant....

That’s tough!! We’ve been in this house almost 47 years and this Peony Rose came from my fathers garden so it will be 46+ years old 🤣😍@lifeonaroofterrace

Beautiful big buds ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Late Spring 2022

Pink Peony in full bloom just in time for #bestofmay Happy Days 😍💕

It's beautiful Shona 💞💞💞

Beautiful Shona 💞

Amazing vibrant and huge

Thank you Jane, Julie & Aly It is beautiful and has actually survived the wind and rain. Lots of flowers now and buds - have managed to count 15 in total. Really chuffed 🥰 @pelly @juliesgarden @thehardygardener
Late Spring 2021

1 June 2021. To welcome June - this beautiful Peony Rose and its siblings are now putting on quite a show!😍HappyDays ❤️

Beautiful Shona ❤️

Beautiful ❤️

Gorgeous 🤩

Really beautiful ♥️♥️♥️
Late Spring 2021

22 May 2021 Lots of buds on Peony Rose this beautiful sunny morning. This time last year I’d to cover the blooms with plastic bags due to gale force winds and torrential rain!! Enjoy weekend everyone. #buds #peonyrose #mayflowers Happy Days 😍💕☀️

Ps Scroll left to see last year’s blooms and emergency action🤣

I like your thinking 😄

It definitely was worth it Ange @anges 😍😃💕
Late Spring 2020

25 May 2020 Good Morning GTag friends. Well, the result of yesterday afternoon’s ‘unveiling’ and success!! My gorgeous, deep pink Peony Roses have survived the weekend’s blustery winds and torrential rain!! #survivor #peonyrose #peony #bestofmay 😍❤️Take Care & Stay Safe everyone.

Success❤️ Marilyn and Christine @lovemygarden65 @midnightgardener

Morning 🌄 Shona, certainly worth all the protection you provided a couple days back, they're looking fabulous ❤

👏👏👏 well done 😃

Beautiful Shona ❤️❤️

Morning Shona, well done, a beautiful sight ❤❤❤

That’s done well 💗👍🏼

Morning Shona so glad it worked , that was some awful 3 days of storm’s ❤️

@sho47 Brilliant! So pleased for you 😀♥️♥️

Thank you everyone for all your lovely comments. 😃💕 @solly1961 @anges @juliesgarden @pelly @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @lovemygarden65 @midnightgardener

They're beautiful ♥️♥️💕💕
Late Spring 2020

22 May My precious peony roses in Hesvy rain and stormy winds. They are well staked up but this is worth a try to save the blooms 💨💨💨💦💦💦

@sho47 isn’t it awful weather Shona , we have gale force wind and rain . Hope everything survives ☹️

Fingers and toes crossed 😆 Marilyn @lovemygarden65

Good save Shona! Clever stuff. It's good when you come up with ideas to protect something especially when it can't be moved. 💕💕
Mid Spring 2020

18 May 2020 I’ve been waiting a wee while, but my beautiful Peony Rose, now 43 years old, is now blooming, and it looks like 6 buds this year 😍Take Care & Stay Safe everyone 😃❤️ #mondaymotivation

Beautiful and 44 years old! Truly amazing. I never knew they lasted so long. Six buds to look forward too, how great 😊😊♥️♥️

Yes it is one of two I got from my father’s garden. It obviously likes where it is Christine @midnightgardener 😃💕

Beautiful flower ❤, wow thats some age. Fantastic
Late Spring 2019

6 June 2019 #peony -one of my favourite flowers 😍 Happy Days 😍☀️ ps Looking good for 42 years old!!😃💕

Wow 42, looking good
Late Spring 2017

Oh -the waiting!! #almostthere
Very happy to see this beautiful bud almost in bloom ,the first of my Peony Roses. Unfortunately it looks like the frost has got some of the others but we’ll see. Happy Days 😍#peonyrose #macro 😍Ps 46 years old now
Beautiful 👌