Fragaria vesca
Woodland Strawberry
Late Spring 2018
- 2
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 14
Mid Spring 2017
- 3

Fragaria vesca
Late Spring 2018
Early Summer 2017

Alpine strawberry needs more light. I might shift her to the windowsill with the resurrection plants. #alpinestrawberry #wildstrawberry #fragaria #strawberry #fruit #pot #windowsill #indoorplants #indoor #urban #urbangardening #urbangarden
Late Spring 2017

Whoops. Think I may be letting the strawberry get too wet. But where did these guys come from?? #strawberry #wildstrawberry #alpinestrawberry #fragaria #mushroom
Mid Spring 2017

First strawberries of the year! One is starting to blush... #blurry #wildstrawberry #alpinestrawberry #gyo #fruit #fragaria #strawberry #windowsill #indoorplants #indoor #urban #urbangardening #urbangarden


Strawberries are heavy feeders so keep up the fertilisers.

@brightcolours Crushed eggshells (buried deep) and coffee grounds?

Eggshells break down quite slowly. So a weak liquid solution of coffee grounds provides quicker goodness.

Do you have a pH kit? You have a diverse variety of plants with differing soil requirements. So might be a good idea.

Hope you've somewhere you can set up a #comfreytea brew outside then you can apply regularly to your plants.

@brightcolours Thanks (to the 'diverse variety' comment)! 😄 It's taken a while to build up my collection, and it's only this year that I'm really appreciating how differently I need to treat each plant. I theoretically have access outside, but I think landlord or another flat may pour comfrey away, judging by comments about smell. May have to invest in pH kit, yes, to help me understand my plants better!

Hmmm... maybe keep a small (lidded) bucket of brew going in bathroom? Take outside for regular stirring and when you remove some to dilute for fertilising plants. Smell only escapes when you lift the lid...

@brightcolours bathroom has only a couple of squares metres floorspace, and is shared with flatmate ( their cat). Garden might work better, if it won't smell with closed lid. (I'll put on polite stickers asking not to pour out.) It's worth a shot! I'll have to buy in some supplies - comfrey, watering can, and I think a ladle may work best - which means waiting until the end of the month, but this looks feasible! 😁

Ladle is a great idea! 👍🏼 Comfrey will need to grow quite a bit before you start using it unless your mum has some in her garden? Could you put something decorative on top of the bucket? Or perhaps bricks to dissuade tampering?

@brightcolours Decorative ornament may work, yes. My mum's garden is overgrown and largely mislabelled, so it's unlikely, but I could check the jungle around the old compost bin. I see that I can buy dried comfrey leaves - obviously not as good, but would that do the trick?
Mid Spring 2017

Found growing in parents' front garden #plantid #plantid-strawberry #fragaria #edible #fruit #strawberry #pot #needsapot #windowsill #indoorplants #indoor #urban #urbangardening #urbangarden #verticalgarden #weed #stolefromparentswildgarden #aberdeenshire #scotland

Looks like a wild alpine strawberry. Small but very sweet

@ashtonunderhillopengardens That certainly fits. I'd wondered if it was a wild strawberry (something I came across in a TV series about cakes), as its berries are small, but then wondered if I was simply not caring for it correctly. Thank you for the ID! I'd never have worked it out :)
My alpine strawberries all died off, so I'm trying again from seed. :\ #alpinestrawberry #wildstrawberry #fragaria #strawberry #fruit #pot #windowsill #indoorplants #indoor #urban #urbangardening #urbangarden #gyo #gyo-strawberries #fromseed
Awww 😢