Astrophytum myriostigma
Early Autumn 2019
Mid Summer 2019

11.8.19 New Astrophytum myriostigma var. quadricostatum with a little flower on its way 😊

So cool 😍

😍😍 Wish I could find some astrophytum species. Probably my favorite cacti genus.

@littlemorningglory only way is ebay if u cant find.

@littlemorningglory So far I've found only one nursery in this entire country which sell them, and they are far too expensive. I got this from a private collector who had some really old and huge ones, all grown from seed. I've been looking for months.

@SpicyCactus same, i have been looking for a super kabuto for months,only place to buy them was ebay and it cost me 38 euros

@ElieM The same lady had a whole bunch of Super Kabuto seedlings and one she said was 15 years old, huge. Even some of the asterias with the white v's. Wouldn't sell any, unfortunately.
2.10.19 ☺️☺️☺️☺️