Anemone coronaria
Mid Winter 2019
Early Winter 2019

My garden took a huge hit after a long and extremely dry summer, and with strict water restrictions in place I hardly watered at all, now that winter is here my first Anenome has flowered and the courtyard and garden beds are slowly coming back to life. #imback #anenome #winter #comingalong #purple #flower #potted #courtyardgarden #st3ph-mygarden 🌱

And she's a beauty 💜

She's certainly a stunner that's for sure 😁💜

Sorry to hear about the terrible weather conditions. Hope next summer will b much better 😕☹️😊💕

Thank you @terrimclaughlin now that winter is here most of my winter/spring bulbs are starting to come to life again which is wonderful, the other flower beds may have to wait a wee while yet, but we'll get there again that's the fun in gardening you can do whatever you want! 😁💚
Anemones are absolutely stunning!! 💜💜💜 #anemone #newfavourite #lilac #stunningcolour #firstbloomsoftheseason #firsttimegrowing #bulbs #supermix #courtyardgarden #st3ph-mygarden 🌱
They really are!