It’s like a true 💕💗💓💞💘 #pink #succulent #helpid #plantid #stephssucculents #echeverialaui #echeverialauipink 🤓 I discovered that laui is pink and lauii is blueish. Check your i’s everyone!
@KelsiBriana I did a few years back and forgot about it because honestly, pink is not my favorite color. I have another picture of this one in my profile listed as another plant with old growth I pulled off. The lighting in the other picture is natural so it is more true to it’s coloring than this one. Maybe I’m wrong though. I’d love some input!
It’s like a true 💕💗💓💞💘 #pink #succulent #helpid #plantid #stephssucculents #echeverialaui #echeverialauipink 🤓 I discovered that laui is pink and lauii is blueish. Check your i’s everyone!
@KelsiBriana I did a few years back and forgot about it because honestly, pink is not my favorite color. I have another picture of this one in my profile listed as another plant with old growth I pulled off. The lighting in the other picture is natural so it is more true to it’s coloring than this one. Maybe I’m wrong though. I’d love some input!