Crocus sativus
Crocus (Species) Saffron Crocus
Late Autumn 2023
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Mid Autumn 2023
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Mid Autumn 2023
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Mid Autumn 2023
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Mid Autumn 2023
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Mid Autumn 2023
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Mid Autumn 2023
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Mid Autumn 2023
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Mid Autumn 2023
- 4
Mid Autumn 2022
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Late Autumn 2021
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Late Autumn 2021
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Mid Autumn 2021
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Mid Autumn 2021
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Mid Autumn 2021
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Mid Autumn 2021
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Mid Autumn 2021
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Mid Autumn 2021
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Early Autumn 2021
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Crocus sativus
Late Autumn 2023
Mid Autumn 2023

Nine precious threads of #saffron #harvested today 19 Nov 2023 #crocus-sativus #saffroncrocus #novemberblooms #gyo

How much saffron rice will that make?
Mid Autumn 2023

#crocus-sativus #saffroncrocus #novemberblooms #gyo 19 Nov 2023
Mid Autumn 2023

#crocus-sativus #saffroncrocus #novemberblooms #gyo 19 Nov 2023
Mid Autumn 2023

#crocus-sativus #saffroncrocus #novemberblooms #gyo 19 Nov 2023
Mid Autumn 2023

#saffroncrocus #blooming in mid-November. Planted these in a container this time because the critters ate the last ones. 18 Nov 2023 #crocus-sativus #novemberblooms #saffron #autumn-saffron #gyo
Mid Autumn 2023

#saffroncrocus #blooming in mid-November. Planted these in a container this time because the critters ate the last ones. 18 Nov 2023 #crocus-sativus #novemberblooms #saffron #autumn-saffron #gyo
Mid Autumn 2023

I didn't expect them to come up this fall, but here they are! 9 of 25 peeking up through the mulch. Now safe in a pot, hopefully the critters won't be able to get to them. 8 Nov 2023 #crocus-sativus #saffroncrocus #saffron #gyo
Mid Autumn 2023

#newpurchase #tryingagain more #saffroncrocus #bulbs delivered from Home Depot online. 25 bulbs for $18 delivered. The ones I planted two years ago got dug up and eaten by critters, so this time I'm keeping them in a pot! 21 Oct 2023 #crocus-sativus

I tried they disappeared in the ground

@rosegardengirl I'm betting they had "help" disappearing

Maybe but I had thought too dry then overwatering.
Mid Autumn 2022

I was convinced that critters had eaten all of my #saffroncrocus bulbs because they didn't come up in September like they did last year. But here we are, 3 November, and four have emerged! #crocus-saffron #autumn-crocus

Ooo yay I found another one today 4 Nov 2022

Mine came up in September now there withered back to nothing. Not a flower in sight
Late Autumn 2021

#saffron #saffroncrocus #crocus #crocussativus #crocus-sativus #crocus-saffron #gyo #spice #ediblelandscaping 20 Nov 2021

Now that you've gone the whole course and raised your own saffron, was it worth it?

@emch Depends what you mean by "worth it." I spent $17 for the bulbs so someday it's possible I could break even financially. But for the experience of seeing the flowers come up and getting excited to PICK THE SAFFRON MYSELF and dry it and store it.... makes me appreciate it so much more. I say 💯% worth it. Plus it's fun to say you grow saffron in your flowerbed. I didn't know it was possible!

OK, have you used the saffron yet? I have never tasted the stuff and can't even guess what it adds to your flavor profile. Of course you will probably someday break even because the bulbs do have a way of multiplying

@emch I haven't used it yet. I've heard it's commonly put in paella, and I think there's a saffron flavor of Indian ice cream (kulfi), but I haven't tasted it in yeeeeeears, and I can't remember what it tastes like.

Just ordered these! If ordering plants online... order early season or late season... prices go down. I paid 7.00 for mine... they were on sale for 5.00 and I missed it

Wow @Brandy2066 what a bargain! How many bulbs did you get for that price?

@sushiwaitress holland bulb farms... it was 10 for 7.17. Was 5 something about a week ago. Unfortunately, my order arrived and I got it out of mailbox today and no saffron crocus in it. They messed up and gave me 2 bags of pink diamond tulips instead and online now says saffron crocus is out of stock. They've been messing up alot lately. Peak of season is NOT the time to be buying from online sites. And I will say, ALWAYS Google for coupons from the vendor. Never pay retail! Please!

@sushiwaitress I've bought more than 1300.00 of stuff from them in past 6 months. Let me just say.... I'm getting my more recent things from them for FREE. I made them refund me more than 600.00. Brecks was forced to charge back more than 1500.00 and bluestone perennials more than 500. I don't play around with online vendors.

@Brandy2066 so they sent you the wrong stuff hoping you would just take it and not complain??

@sushiwaitress I thought maybe they did it by accident? They got a rude voice-mail. Haha but trust me... holland bulb has the better customer service, success rate with growth of plants, and a guarantee. They're not perfect. I've gotten squishy bulbs or like now, wrong ones. But they will make it right.
Late Autumn 2021

one more #saffroncrocus bloomed, so I had a mini #lateharvest 20 Nov 2021 #novemberblooms #crocussativus #gyo #spice #crocus-saffron #crocus-sativus #ediblelandscaping #tweezers
Mid Autumn 2021

#saffron threads harvested (with tweezers) from my very own #saffroncrocus - nice way to end the week (now for 🍫 and 🍷 and 📺 like the 🇺🇸 I am) 12 Nov 2021 #crocus-sativus #crocussativus #gyo #spice #ediblelandscaping

That was very quick. Can I ask where can I get some bulbs.

@rosegardengirl they're actually pretty easy to find online. Lots of places have them for sale. I checked Amazon and Home Depot and a few other search results to find the listing with the greatest number of bulbs for the lowest price, and I think that ended up being Home Depot. I got about 25 bulbs for I think about $17 and shipping was free.

Oh @rosegardengirl I just realized you're down under and you might not have Home Depot. (Sorry) But check online because I never saw these in stores. Definitely had to order them.

@columbiariver I'm not quite sure actually. Probably all 25 bulbs' worth if I'm guessing.
Mid Autumn 2021

Luckily for me though, another one had bloomed, so I got my three threads after all. Nice way to end the week. Now it's time for 🍷 and 🍫12 Nov 2021 #saffron #crocussativus #crocus-sativus #saffroncrocus #spice #gyo #edible #ediblelandscaping #autumnflowers #autumnflowering #novemberblooms #bestofnovember #novembercolour
Mid Autumn 2021

Went outside today at lunchtime to pick my saffron and Somebody had beaten me to it! 🐇? 🐀? 🦄? 12 Nov 2021 #saffroncrocus #crocussativus #crocus-sativus #herbivore #toolate #survivalofthefittest
Mid Autumn 2021

We have SAFFRON!! I didn't harvest it yet but I will tomorrow. 10 Nov 2021 #saffron #saffroncrocus #autumncrocus #crocus-sativus #crocus-saffron #gyo #spice #experiment #ediblelandscaping #alwayslearning

PS the saffron is the long straight orange threads. Just have to pick them and dry them.

Wow that’s great🤗
Mid Autumn 2021

I only planted these #crocus-sativus #bulbs six weeks ago and they're already blooming 🤓 I was prepared to wait until next fall to harvest my first #saffron -- now I need to think of something special to cook with it! 9 Nov 2021 #saffroncrocus #gyo #spice #autumn-crocus #autumncrocus #climatechange

Check this out @usgardentags now they're blooming 😂
Mid Autumn 2021

Uh oh, they're sprouting early! 31 Oct 2021 #crocussativus #crocus-sativus #crocus-saffron #saffron #saffroncrocus
Early Autumn 2021

Planted my brand-new #saffroncrocus #bulbs this evening. 21 Sep 2021 #wishlistnomore #crocus-saffron #saffron #edible #ediblelandscaping #crocus-sativus #autumn-crocus #spice
Bunch more #saffroncrocus popping up. 3 Dec 2023 #crocus-sativus #crocus-saffron #saffron #gyo