Up-potted the #fig-siciliandark and keeping it in the shady gazebo for a couple days since it's been inside so long and needs time to adjust. 1 Apr 2023 #fig #fig-propagation #plantsfromfriends #treesfromcuttings #ficuscarica #backyardfruitgrowers #byfg #offthebeatenpathnursery
Even though I've tried to keep this cutting out of the light (so it can concentrate on growing roots) it's putting out these pale shoots that I haven't had the heart to break off yet. 27 Feb 2023 #fig-palermo-red #figcuttings #fig-propagation #fig #ficuscarica #treesfromcuttings
Received a #cutting of #fig-siciliandark from the owner of Off The Beaten Path nursery in Lancaster, PA while attending the January #backyardfruitgrowers meeting. It's supposed to be very a #winter-hardy variety. I've had it in this pot about 3 weeks. 20 Feb 2023 #byfg #plantsfromfriends #grownfromcuttings
Rooting figs is harder than I expected 24 Apr 2023 #figtree #fig #fig-propagation #ficuscarica #treesfromcuttings #rip #fig-siciliandark