Helleborus 'Abcrd01' (Frostkiss Series) syn. Helleborus (Rodney Davey Marbled Group) 'Penny's Pink'
Hellebore 'Penny's Pink'
Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2021
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Early Spring 2020
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Early Spring 2020
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Early Spring 2020
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Late Winter 2020
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Late Winter 2020
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Late Winter 2020
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Late Winter 2020
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Late Winter 2020
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Late Winter 2020
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Mid Winter 2020
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Mid Winter 2020
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Mid Winter 2020
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Mid Winter 2020
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Early Winter 2020
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Early Winter 2020
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Early Winter 2020
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Early Winter 2020
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Early Winter 2020
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Early Winter 2020
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Early Winter 2020
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Helleborus 'Abcrd01' (Frostkiss Series) syn. Helleborus (Rodney Davey Marbled Group) 'Penny's Pink'
Early Spring 2021
Early Spring 2021

Last spring I was OBSESSED with #hellebores. I checked them every day to see the first bloom. This year I was working so intensely I didn't notice spring creeping up until mid March, and now they're in full bloom and I haven't taken a single picture of them until today 2 Apr 2021 #hellebore-pennyspink
Early Spring 2020

3 Apr 2020 #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink

Another beauty
Early Spring 2020

#hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink 21 Mar 2020
Early Spring 2020

#hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink 21 Mar 2020

Late Winter 2020

SO PINK!!! 🌸💮🏵 #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink #lentenrose #christmasrose 14 Mar 2020
Late Winter 2020

10 Mar 2020 #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink

Beautiful! 💚
Late Winter 2020

10 Mar 2020 #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink yaaaay! Finally!!

I have a garden devoted to hellebores, in it are them and some snow drops. I try to get a few each year, it's slowly filling up.
Late Winter 2020

This one is getting pretty tall 3 Mar 2020 #hellebores #hellebore #hellebore-pennyspink

Very pretty colors!! 🥰💚💜
Late Winter 2020

This one might bloom tomorrow if the deer don't eat it 3 Mar 2020 #hellebores #hellebore #hellebore-pennyspink

Needed my daily dose of new growth. Thanks! 🥰💚
Late Winter 2020

My two #hellebores -- maybe they are different varieties -- one is so much taller than the other. 3 Mar 2020 #hellebore #hellebore-pennyspink

I love all things Penny. 😁
Mid Winter 2020

Tons 'o #buds ..... #hurryupandbloomalready #hurryupandopen 18 Feb 2020 #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink
Mid Winter 2020

A little bit taller now... not gonna lie, I'm jealous of all the UK folks' whose #hellebores are already blooming. 8 Feb 2020 #hellebore #hellebore-pennyspink #christmasrose #hurryup

PS @cyndi I took your #advice and used some homemade deer repellent 🙊

Those leaves look like they will be a lovely colour!
Mid Winter 2020

Lots of buds coming..... no additional evidence of deer munching... so far so good.... 31 Jan 2020 #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink
Mid Winter 2020

My very first #hellebore blossom ever..... HAS BEEN MUNCHED BY A DEER!!!! 😢😭😡😠 👎👎👎🦌🎯☠💀 Good thing there are a bunch more #buds coming, but SHAME ON YOU DEER you have the entire front yard!! 25 Jan 2020

@Cyndi I've done a lot of eccentric things for plants. My husband will think I've finally lost it. (Probably gonna try it anyway 😈) thanks for the #advice

Oh no! 🙈😱😱😱
Early Winter 2020

This #bud is the furthest along 12 Jan 2020 #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink
Early Winter 2020

After the big snipsnip and brushing away fallen leaves, I uncovered a few more buds peeking out, YAY! 12 Jan 2020 #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink
Early Winter 2020

Snip snip snip, removing last year's big leaves off my #hellebores to prevent hellebore leaf spot per @pelly 's #advice #advice-hellebore #hellebore-pennyspink 12 Jan 2020 #helleboreadvice #hellebore-tip

More about hellebore leaf spot: https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?PID=172
Early Winter 2020

I see what you mean now @auricula @pelly about cutting off the big leaves. There are actually two hellebores in this garden bed (but only one plant marker, so I'm guessing they're the same...) and this other one had a lot of damaged and browning leaves. The link you shared yesterday was timely and I cut off all the old leaf stalks to prevent the disease from spreading to the other plant (whose leaves I left intact). I hope it'll do ok without its big leaves... it looks a little naked now...

11 Jan 2019 #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink #lentenrose #christmasrose

More about hellebore leaf spot (so I can find this again later) https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?PID=172

It will be fine I'm sure but I would still take the larger ones off the other plant Ruth 👍

@pelly really? Ok thanks for that #advice -- sounds like a smart preventative measure. I for sure don't want to kill these. #advice-hellebore

You're welcome, let us know how you get on 👍👍
Early Winter 2020

Here they come! #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink #lentenrose #christmasrose 11 Jan 2020

Quite a few buds there 👍🏼
Early Winter 2020

Check out what I found in my front garden bed @pelly @auricula !!! The previous owner planted these so I didn't know they were there until today. 11 Jan 2020 #hellebore #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink #lentenrose #christmasrose

What beautiful foliage, you must post it in flower, lucky you 😄👍💚
Early Winter 2020

WOW look what I found in my garden today!!! Hubby and I bought our first house last summer so this is our first winter/spring with this garden and I have no idea what's going to show up this spring. I have been dying to buy hellebores for years and I can't believe the house came with them! 11 Jan 2020 #hellebore #lentenrose #christmasrose #hellebores #hellebore-pennyspink

What a lovely find 💕

Congratulations on your first house! How exciting. #anticipation #surprises

Yay!! 😄👏🏼👏🏼

@sushiwaitress How exciting Ruth, Congratulations 🥳 on the house buy. I would be so excited to see what else pops up in the garden. Maybe make a note of things or take pictures so you remember what you’ve got if you’re going to make any changes. 😊🙏🏼

@pixierose yeah great idea Christine. I'm refraining from doing a lot of changes this spring precisely for that reason. I'd have HATED myself if I'd mistakenly dug up these hellebores!

@sushiwaitress no worries, such an exciting year for you Ruth. It’ll be opening presents all year round. 😆 Yes it would’ve been such a shame to have lost that beauty. Have a fun year can’t wait to see what unfolds. 😊👍🏼
Last spring I was OBSESSED with #hellebores. I checked them every day to see the first bloom. This year I was working so intensely I didn't notice spring creeping up until mid March, and now they're in full bloom and I haven't taken a single picture of them until today 2 Apr 2021 #hellebore-pennyspink