Lithops Bromfieldii var. Sulphurea C362
Living Stones 'Bromfieldii Sulphurea'
Late Spring 2018
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Mid Spring 2018
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Mid Spring 2018
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Early Spring 2018
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Early Spring 2018
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Early Spring 2018
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Early Spring 2018
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Late Winter 2018
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Late Winter 2018
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Late Winter 2018
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Mid Winter 2018
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Mid Winter 2018
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Early Winter 2018
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Early Winter 2018
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Early Winter 2018
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Lithops Bromfieldii var. Sulphurea C362
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

Yesterday I bottom-watered the pot of seedlings where this #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea now lives, and he's plumping up nicely. #lithops #livingstones #succulents #closeup #upclose #cutiepatootie #smallisbeautiful
Mid Spring 2018

This little #lithops-bromfieldii-sulphurea isn't doing so good. It used to be potted with my #lithopsfulvicepsvfulvivepsaurea, but it's still struggling, so I put it in with my #mesagarden #seedlings so it could get more water and hopefully thrive. #lithops #livingstones #succulents
Early Spring 2018

Potted my little patient (right) back in his pot with his roommate (left), this time higher up in the pot so the edge of the pot doesn't shade them. Also gave them a bit of bottom-watering to stimulate root growth. #lithops #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea #lithopsfulvicepsvfulvivepsaurea #livingstones #pumice #succulents #sunshine

I didn't know that was a hashtag! I'm gonna go back and tag all my posts now. @KelsiBriana
Early Spring 2018

Hope he'll live and grow now. #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea #rooting-water #experiment #success #badscientist #lithops #livingstones #pumice #succulents #watertherapy

That's amazing!

Crazy right?? When I first heard of water therapy for a lithops I thought for sure it'd burst. I think I took it out of the water in the nick of time, actually. @Soph1e

What a difference 👍😎💜 @sushiwaitress
Early Spring 2018

Water therapy, before and after. #lithops-emergencyroom #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea #livingstones #growlight #succulent #rainwater #tupperware #rubberbands #rooting-water #experiment #success #watertherapy

For the record, this lithops is only about 1/3 inch big. Because it's so young and its root system was so nonexistent that's why I left it in the water for 3 days. If it had been older, I would have given it less time. Baby lithops are more tolerant to water than adult ones are. YMMV. #dontblamemeifyoukillyourlithops
Early Spring 2018

Water therapy was a HIT! Again, since I'm a #badscientist I can't remember exactly how long this #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea has been in the water, but it's been close to 72 hours +/- 3h. Yesterday I wasn't sure anything was happening, but today the top surface of this #lithops is unmistakably round and smooth and no longer wrinkled and dry. I took him out of the water and I'm going to repot him so his newly-awakened roots have a chance to grow. #experiment #rooting-water #growlight #rainwater

Yay for you👌❤ @sushiwaitress

Late Winter 2018

Going for day 2 of water therapy. I spent all day trying to decide whether the leaves look plumper or not, but the fact of the matter is I didn't make good enough observations beforehand to tell for sure. #lithops-emergencyroom #badscientist #rooting-water #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea #livingstones #growlight #rainwater #tupperware #rubberband #thriftythursday #watertherapy
Late Winter 2018

The tiny white dot toward the end of the root is (I think) a result of 24h of water therapy. I wasn't a very good scientist and didn't take enough "before" pictures, but I think there miiiiight be a little improvement. This #lithops is basically a goner if this doesn't work, so I'm going to leave him in the #rainwater another day and see what happens. #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea #rooting-water #succulents #livingstones #watertherapy @mirds
Late Winter 2018

This #lithops has failed to thrive since it shed its old leaves, so I'm attempting water therapy to see if I can revive it. Its roots seem to have grown not at all since I got it for Christmas. It's suspended above a dish of rainwater with just the tips of the roots touching the water. I'll leave it like this overnight and see if there's any improvement tomorrow. #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea #waterrooting #rubberbands #windowsill #apartmentgarden #growlight #succulentsunday #watertherapy

🍀🍀🍀 @sushiwaitress


@mirds gonna leave it in the water till evening -- it *might* be working but still too early to tell for sure.
Mid Winter 2018

#lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea is back to green. Crispy stuff picked away (carefully) with a toothpick. NOWWW is it time to water you??? #lithops #succulents #livingstones #windowsill #apartmentgarden #mesembryanthemum #desertplants
Mid Winter 2018

Time to peel off the old leaves? You lookin' kinda crusty... #lithops #livingstones #succulents #apartmentgarden #windowsill #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea
Early Winter 2018

#lithops #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea bursting out more now...
Early Winter 2018

Instead of splitting, the old leaves just shrank around the new ones, and I was worried the new leaves wouldn't be able to pop through. Finally the old leaves started to crack open. #lithops #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea #livingstones
Early Winter 2018

#lithops #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea part of an awesome Christmas present from hubby. #livingstones 5mm wide, already starting to change
Found this guy dried out and shriveled when I got home from vacation. He'd almost completely disappeared and I couldn't even find him at first. Perhaps he burst due to too much water? Dehydrated in the sunshine? Maybe I snapped off his roots when planting him with the babies? Poor #lithopsbromfieldiivsulphurea he never thrived. This is the 5th one I've killed. #lithops #livingstones #succulents #rip