Morus Alba
White Mulberry
- Mid Spring 2024
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- Mid Spring 2024
- 6
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- Late Spring 2023
- 7
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- Late Spring 2023
- 12
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- Late Spring 2023
- 9
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Morus Alba
- Mid Spring 2024
- 6
- Mid Spring 2024
- 6
#foliagefriday #lookingup #morus-alba #whitemulberry #edible #ediblelandscaping #green
- Late Spring 2023
- 7
This is why I'm so excited. The #whitemulberry is big! Here I am grafting and growing things from seed and boom, here's a great big tree that's already fruiting! This is #mygarden #myview from my upstairs office window. 8 June 2023 #edible #ediblelandscaping #morus-alba
I was intrigued by this but upon a bit of research it appears they can be quite destructive and are considered invasive in parts of the Midwest and Canada!
@workedostrich9 yes you're right! I removed the "native" hashtag because I read last night that they're native to China. The white mulberry is actually the silkworm tree! #learnsomethingneweveryday
@sushiwaitress cool to have one based on that history - I hope it behaves for you 😉 (and I hope its fruit are delicious!)
@workedostrich9 the fruits are sweet and quite pleasant. I'll have to learn what the seedlings look like so we don't have a forest popping up. 😉
- Late Spring 2023
- 12
The #whitemulberry are ripe when they turn from slightly green (hard, dry, tasteless) to slightly yellow (soft, juicy, sweet). 😍 I'm in love with this tree that's been there all along. 8 June 2023 #edible #ediblelandscaping #native #morus-alba
- Late Spring 2023
- 9
I was hit with a rush of excitement and gratitude today at lunchtime when I realized the birds and squirrels didn't eat all of the #whitemulberry before they ripened. This #fruittree is growing in my back yard just by God's grace. It's been there for years, growing big and waiting for me to arrive. The berries are sweet, and there are enough to share with the critters. 8 June 2023 #morus-alba #edible #ediblelandscaping
I did absolutely zero work for this abundance. I feel like I've been given a present.
A lovely gift from above. 😍
I read somewhere that #mulberry can have multiple leaf forms, and well whaddya know! 17 May 2024 #morus-alba