Vaccinium 'Northsky'
Blueberry (Highbush hybrid) 'Northsky'
Late Spring 2022
- 1
Early Summer 2021
- 1
Early Summer 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 2
Mid Spring 2021
- 2
Mid Spring 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 2
Early Summer 2020
- 2
Early Summer 2020
- 3
Early Summer 2020
- 2
Late Spring 2020
- 9

Vaccinium 'Northsky'
Late Spring 2022
Early Summer 2021

First #blueberries from my very own #blueberry bush! They burst like grapes when I are them. 15 July 2021 #vacciniumcorymbosum #edible #ediblelandscaping #native
Early Summer 2021

#blueberries #ripening -- hooray for #birdnetting -- last year I got zero 7 July 2021 #vacciniumcorymbosum #blueberry #ediblelandscaping #edible #gyo #native #nativeplant
Late Spring 2021

Leaving for a 2.5 week vacation with this many unripe blueberries... interested to see how many are still on the bush when we get back.... #stayaway #blueberry #blueberries #vacciniumcorymbosum #birdnetting 19 June 2021
Late Spring 2021

Today's task ✔ wrap the #blueberry with #birdnetting and a #cage to keep the bunnies and squirrels away. Learned my lesson last year when I didn't get a single one! 15 June 2021 #vacciniumcorymbosum #highbushblueberry #blueberrybush #blueberries
Late Spring 2021

Today's task ✔ wrap the #blueberry with #birdnetting and a #cage to keep the bunnies and squirrels away. 15 June 2021 #vacciniumcorymbosum #highbushblueberry #blueberrybush #blueberries
Late Spring 2021

#blueberrybush full of ripening #blueberries -- gotta figure out a bird net situation pretty soon. #blueberry #vacciniumcorymbosum 25 May 2021

#yum #101uses
Mid Spring 2021

Looks like we're gonna have some #blueberries this year (assuming I can keep the birds off of them). #vacciniumcorymbosum #blueberry #edible 14 May 2021

#yum #101uses
Mid Spring 2021

Really glad I brought the #blueberry indoors for the two frosty nights we had -- had to protect this bush full of flowers #highbushblueberry #vacciniumcorymbosum 23 Apr 2021

#yum #101uses
Early Spring 2021

#blueberrybush about to burst into flower #blueberry #highbushblueberry #vacciniumcorymbosum 16 Apr 2021
Early Spring 2021

#highbushblueberry budding out 26 Mar 2021 #blueberry #vacciniumcorymbosum

#yum #101uses
Early Summer 2020

Potted in a real pot, with organic soil acidifier granules mixed in the soil. 29 June 2020 #blueberrybush #blueberry #vacciniumcorymbosum

I got myself a pair of rabbiteye blueberries on the weekend, they were cheap, I'll get myself a pair of northern highbush when the shops get them in
Early Summer 2020

Some new growth on the #blueberry bush! #blueberries #vacciniumcorymbosum

That's so awesome 😍 Blueberries still don't love me as much as I love them 🤪

I'm planning on buying some blueberry bushes this year, I've read the rabbit eye varieties grow well here.
Early Summer 2020

Found this cute little helper on the new #blueberry bush this morning #insect #beneficialinsect #beneficialcritter #ladybug #ladybird #yellowladybird #yellowladybugs #vacciniumcorymbosum #leaf 21 June 2020

PS any #blueberry-advice about those brown spots on the leaves? #advice-needed
Late Spring 2020

I'm usually good at avoiding impulse-plant purchases --- i don't want to bring anybody home that i don't know how to care for --- but I loooooooove blueberries and I have been thinking for MONTHS about where to plant blueberry bushes here at the new house. (Where they can get enough sun and be protected from the deer.) So when this guy was on sale for $7 at Home Depot (about half off) AND he had a couple clusters of ripening berries....

... he just somehow ended up in the car and I swear I didn't notice him till I got home I have no idea how this happened. #newplant #wishlistnomore #blueberry #blueberrybush #vacciniumcorymbosum 19 June 2020 #cart-jumper

So now of course I have to get another bush of a different variety so that this guy will have big fat berries (blueberries bear more fruit when cross pollinated with other varieties). And I'll need to amend the soil to make it acidic enough (hello pine needles!) And I'll need to build some kind of structure to hold bird netting so the birds and squirrels don't eat them all, see this is why I try to refrain from impulse buying plants! (But I didn't even attempt to resist....

.... and I'm not one bit sorry.)

@sushiwaitress My friend has a blueberry bush n she says the hardest thing is to try to keep the birds etc away because it all gets eaten before she can enjoy any 🤔 maybe some netting around it might help? But yah I can’t blame you, i had one of those plants giving me the come hither eyes the other day at the garden nursery I go to also 😆 good luck (looks like you had a plan though 👏)

I say impulse away! You’ve obviously been thinking about it and are ready for the work to maintain it. I prefer to think of it as seizing an opportunity. 😉 Have fun!

As long as you have acid soil they will be happy.

If you find pine cones or fallen branches with needles, pop the under and around the space you plant, this will help build up natural acidity, using less compost to boost the plant

Oh my gosh- I want! 😍😍😍
#blueberries plumping up #vacciniumcorymbosum 12 June 2022 #blueberry #ediblelandscaping #gyo