@susiwoo Snap!! Must have similar tastes...I've also planted a container with Canna Tropicana & begonia falls 😂😂 can't believe the begonia is still blossoming!!
@susiwoo same here....getting to near to freezing last night even in Brighton. There was actually ice on most of plants leaves this morning, but everything is still ok...!?!
Also still hanging on !! Despite a morning frost last week
@susiwoo Snap!! Must have similar tastes...I've also planted a container with Canna Tropicana & begonia falls 😂😂 can't believe the begonia is still blossoming!!
@drnicko great minds eh ! A good combo too even if the canna has been nibbled a bit. It'll be going under wraps soon too
@susiwoo same here....getting to near to freezing last night even in Brighton. There was actually ice on most of plants leaves this morning, but everything is still ok...!?!
@drnicko ice ? Really ? Wow ! we just had one frosty morn this week and has been quite mild and dry for Lancashire just a bit overcast & grey 🌫🙁
@susiwoo it was only formed on the top of some of the leaves, no ground frost..! Odd 😳😳
@drnicko odd but good eh ! ... phew ! 😉