Beaucarnea recurvata
Elephant's Foot Palm
Early Spring 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2020
- 4
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Late Autumn 2018
- 2
Late Autumn 2018
- 7
Mid Summer 2018
- 5
Early Autumn 2017
- 3
Late Spring 2016
- 5

Beaucarnea recurvata
Early Spring 2021
Early Spring 2020

#ponytailpalm #elephantsfootpalm 20 years in that pot

It still looks happy👍

Wow, she is a beauty!

Mid Autumn 2019

#elephantsfootpalm #ponytailpalm
Late Autumn 2018

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ base or elephants foot at least 2m. How much @brightcolours @KathyB

See comment on other pic.
Late Autumn 2018

I’m looking to sell this but they have to dig out and take away. It’s 2 story’s high and bulb 2m. How much you reckon? @brightcolours @KathyB

OMG that's going to be some digging!!!!! I have no idea how much to charge! It'd be an amazing statement piece in the right setting!

@KathyB that’s why they can use a dingo or crow bars. Im not digging it out. Lucky they’re shallow rooters.

There’s a site for selling trees shrubs etc. Can’t think of the name but google should find it. Is it easy access for a digger?

@brightcolours thanks Katie. I’ll google. Yes a dingo could do it. Cheers happy cool Saturday

@brightcolours ever driven a dingo? They are so much fun.

No haven’t had the pleasure!
Mid Summer 2018

#ponytail #palm #potbound

@daisy-jane another I forgot to mention. This was in a 125mm pot to this terracotta pot about 10- 12 years ago

How can you forget this beauty😍,it's lovely Sussanah,it's grown so much,will you be repotting it 🙄

@daisy-jane probably not. It’s the centre piece for a border bed which is clay and in full sun. The 2 either side never stop flowering. Totally drought tolerant. Summer snap dragon. Smells like bubblegum.

It looks happy enough where it is Hun and that snapdragon is a lovely colour,what a fab scent 😍😁👍
Early Autumn 2017
Late Spring 2016


@daisy-jane I’m showing off here. I saw your little potted one called elephant bum or what you wrote. This is 2 stories high

Now that's definitely showing off Sussanah 😄 I don't think mine will get anywhere near that size yours is a stunning example Hun 😍😍

@daisy-jane Thank you my dear. I’m a bit of a boaster when it comes to some tropical plants. They grow too well sometimes. I took a cutting of devils ivy from mum and dads today. The one I had on gum trees had leaves 2’wide. The council poisoned it along with so much else. They only seemed to kill natives. They’ll be hearing from me soon. I’ll tag you

Boast away Hun I know I would 😄 hope your cutting from your parents garden does well, that's such a shame about your ivy I'd be giving them what for too 😣😘
#ponytailpalm #elephantfoot it was in a pot for over 20 years. In the soil now doing great guns.