Hymenocallis festalis syn. ismene festalis
Peruvian Daffodil
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 13
Mid Summer 2017
- 4
Mid Summer 2016
- 4

Hymenocallis festalis syn. ismene festalis
Late Summer 2018
Late Summer 2018

@brightcolours I think I’ve found the culprit

So you get these pests there too! Worst pest in my garden along with their partners in crime (slugs)!

Don’t see very many. Normally too try for them. We see witchity grubs. @jeatacake

Wow, I forgot about those things. Have you ever eaten one?

@jeatacake not a chance. The kookies love em

They're pretty much predator free here, especially in my garden, the snails that is. Ordinary caterpillars are the nearest thing to those grubs here!

Hmmm... too hot to investigate mine today. But I’ve never had problems with snails on anything before now.

@brightcolours me neither. Weird weather. Last week cool. This week heat wave. Huge cracker of a storm upon us now.

Big storm here too. Although more noise than rain.

@brightcolours oh we’re getting a pelting. I check how far down in am. Dog going nuts in storm. Don’t know why cattle’s hate them. My other 3 are good.

Have you heard of #thundershirts for #dog #cat #pets ?? www.thundershirt.com.au/faq

@brightcolours tried everything. Nothing works. Just pacing around lounge or following anyone if they move.
Mid Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2016


Very delicate flower 😀👍

I don't even have buds yet!

No nibbles!
@brightcolours not quite open maybe