Smoke Bush
- Late Spring 2018
- 34
- 3
- Late Spring 2018
- 42
- 1
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 36
- 9
- Late Spring 2016
- 32
- 6
- Late Spring 2018
- 34
- Late Spring 2018
- 42
Lovely to see the #smokebush come back to life at last!
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 36
This looks like its on fire! Can anyone tell me when I should prune this beauty please #advice. It's looking a little leggy!
So pretty. Mine have not started to change colors yet😢.
Do you probe yours Dar @SikoMa ?
Probe? Do you mean prune? I have not, yet. This is our first year with them Sylvia. They have not been tended to in nearly 3 years. When we bought this place in May, it was totally wild and over grown.
@franshinegee might have some tips for us. She has a Smoke Bush???
@SikoMa woops! Yes sorry prune!
I just probed mine 😉 early spring is good too! @SylviaDavies
Lol! Thanks @franshinegee ! I feel singe cuttings coming on! Whenever I prune, I take a few cuttings 😃 #foliage #autumn-colour
I always want to do that too but I don't have any more room to grow anything and I've already offered to share with all the neighbors! 😁 @SylviaDavies
- Late Spring 2016
- 32
Any ideas? Please help me identify this plant! ?
Cotinas maybe ?
Thanks @russellcooper I think it is now I've looked it up. I'd forgot what I planted last year! Brilliant having helpers at hand! Diolch!
Will look amazing when it flowers, backlit by late afternoon sun :)
#SmokeBush #newgrowth #dark
Gorgeous color!
So pleased that this survived the winter!
The leaf colour is gorgeous isn't it!