Dahlia 'Moonfire'
Dahlia 'Moonfire'
Mid Summer 2018
- 8
Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Summer 2017
- 12
Early Autumn 2016
- 4
Mid Summer 2016
- 10
Mid Summer 2016
- 6
Mid Summer 2016
- 2

Dahlia 'Moonfire'
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2017

I love this one with its dark foliage! Sun blushed today! Makes a change from rain drenched!

It's beautiful Sylvia 😍😍😍

Bet you're both enjoying the sunshine then, looks lovely!

Do either of you know what it's called please? @pelly @Keely @cyndi

Sorry, no Sylvia x

Sorry Sylvia its not one im familiar with looks like a bishop variety but would need a google to look at them all as so many 💛🏵

Thank you, im hopeless at remembering names etc. @Keely @pelly . Will have a look, thanks @cyndi

Could be one called Moonfire? @SylviaDavies @Keely @pelly @cyndi

Thank you @richard.spicer.7906 👍

@cyndi found this was interesting reading too http://www.dahliaworld.co.uk/dahlia.htm im no near to identifying most of my other dahlias though sadly! Thanks for your help!

That is stunning 😍😍😍

Thank you @daisy-jane ! 👍
Early Autumn 2016

The birth of a new bloom!

Looks like it's going to be a beaut 😍

Gorgeous shot!

#halloween #orange
Mid Summer 2016

What a difference the 🌞 makes!

Looks translucent, great shot 👌

Just beautiful💛

Thank you @SikoMa @latebloomer @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @christineb for your kind comments!

Could look at this all day stunning

Thanks @bubbles007

#bronze or is it gold? 😃


Mid Summer 2016


Wow bright 😎😍


Thanks @latebloomer @katgreen

#Orange #rainbow

#halloween #orange #red
Mid Summer 2016

It's lovely! There's a surprise around every coroner 😃 😃 wish there were some pinks!

Lovely colour #dahlia
Good morning all!! This is a little beauty with gorgeous dark foliage.
Thats great sylvia. I really like that one.
That dark #foliage IS gorgeous!
Morning that's lovely a ray of sunshine 🌞🔆🌞
Afternoon Sylvia, I just love the dark foliage brightly colored Dahlia's! Hope your day is going good so far!💘😍
Love them 😍👍
Lovely #dahlia