Hebe 'Magic Summer'
Shrubby Veronica 'Magic Summer'
Late Winter 2017
- 6
Late Winter 2017
- 4
Mid Spring 2016
- 8

Hebe 'Magic Summer'
Late Winter 2017
Late Winter 2017

Took truncheon cuttings from my hebe when I was cutting it back a few weeks ago and they are all coming nicely! Massive cost saving! 🌿🌿😃

Great colours on this one, is this variety a large shrub?

Mine was a cutting 2 years ago and it's about 2-3 ft at the moment. It flowers for ages and the bees love it hence I've put loads of cuttings along the top border to keep the bees entertained. That border is quite dry and hebes generally do well in the dry I think don't they.?? @titchyfra

A bit too big for where I was thinking but will look for their smaller varieties. I'm not sure about that as we inherited one ( no idea of type) that was domed approx 2.5 metres wide in westerly facing but we have clay , maybe their shallow rooted 🤔 don't have it since I've redone that area but got a cutting which is now in another part of my garden . They just flower and flower 🌺
Mid Spring 2016

Sorry there may be a few of these! Your help to identify would be appreciated! Diolch

It looks like a variety of variegated hebe. Maybe others will know more.

Is this a hebe heartbreaker?

It's hard to tell as some growers give different names to the same plant. I found this which looks a bit like yours but paler...no idea if it's the same.

Sorry :-) tried to paste the link but didn't work. http://www.jparkers.co.uk/hebe-magic-summer-0005849c?gclid=CNiejNPhw8wCFRFmGwodOjENFQ#fo_c=193&fo_k=9b58c9a8f823fb9f389d48c62b5c5683&fo_s=gplauk

Thanks @gabiw 👌

#plantID_Hebe #hebe #variegated

The tips of this are so bright at the moment!
Morning @belindah! Thanks
Morning Sylvia!
Lovely #pink #hebe 💗
Morning Sylvia, it's very striking. ❤❤