Morning garden tagers! Found these in the garden yesterday. Didn't even recall planting them and had only just added them to my wish list! It's sorted! 😃
I would let them clump first as you will get more flowers next year then split year after does better in sunny spots but also doesn't mind but of shade 😁
Morning garden tagers! Found these in the garden yesterday. Didn't even recall planting them and had only just added them to my wish list! It's sorted! 😃
Morning nice one they can easily be split in spring too 💛👍
It's great when the flower fairies pay an unexpected visit - especially when they leave something behind as beautiful as these! 😀
@SylviaDavies ......good morning Syvia. Such a pretty, reliable flower :)
Yes exactly @bigemrg blessed by the flower fairies!
Thanks @Keely would you split them in the first year or let them clump a bit more?
Morning @flof1952 😃
I would let them clump first as you will get more flowers next year then split year after does better in sunny spots but also doesn't mind but of shade 😁
Morning Sylvia ☀️ well that was a nice surprise! 🌼🌼 @SylviaDavies
Hi Sylvia, I think the only things I get in my garden that I don't plant are weeds!! 😂😂