Lobelia Erinus 'Crystal Palace'
Lobelia 'Crystal Palace'
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Early Summer 2017
- 3
Early Summer 2017
- 2
Late Spring 2017
- 7
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 5
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 1

Lobelia Erinus 'Crystal Palace'
Mid Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Apparently neglect is what my #lobelia really needed 😂 These are the ones I started from seed in February... They've been sitting in a tray outside bring ignored and it seems to agree with them! Let's see how they get on in the big boy beds 😁

Weird, right? Mine are fine since I stopped caring and dumped them outside in a wall basket!

Yeah, crazy things! I think if I ever try them again from seed I'll keep them in bigger groups, the ones that ended up alone are much shorter for some reason... @Mikekally
Early Summer 2017
Late Spring 2017

#thingsilearned in spring, part 4 - starting seeds early doesn't necessarily mean they'll get bigger faster

Is this round 2?

Still the same ones I started in February! 😂 @Mikekally

Oh no! Mine are getting massive all of a sudden, i think they like the extra space in the basket i out them into even though the looked lost at the start

@Mikekally they've been getting a lot bigger recently, but only in the past couple of weeks! I feel like they were just treading water for the first month 😆 especially since you sowed yours quite a bit after mine!

Mine only really started to shoot up when i put them in the basket and chucked it on the floor of greenhouse. Maybe they were scared of heights

Lmao! Well mine went into the greenhouse today to hide from the hailstones, maybe I should put them on a low shelf 😂 @Mikekally
Late Spring 2017

Still cheering on the #lobelia 😁 it's looking stronger by the day now ❤
Mid Spring 2017

Oops, can't believe I almost forgot the #lobelia! Bravely chugging away and adding #tiny leaves ❤
Mid Spring 2017

#lobelia looking happier in their new home 😄❤ I'm also keeping the cover on the tray, I think they like it a little bit warmer... #tiny #seedlings
Mid Spring 2017

The #lobelia haven't exactly been thriving, and some of the ones that didn't make it started to go mouldy. Relocated the best-looking ones to a new tray and spread out the others; hope at least some will make it... #tiny #transplant #tweezers

I'd say that was fun ... You must have a more delicate touch than me, I'm terrified to touch mine while they're so small.

Oh, yeah, I was kind of terrified! 😂 They weigh nothing at all and you can't even feel them they're so small... But I felt I had to do something to improve their chances ❤🌱 @Mikekally

How are they doing? I'm still drumming up courage to do something with mine before i lose them all

@Mikekally they're actually thriving now! I wouldn't promise the same will happen, but both the ones I moved and the ones I left behind are starting to get their second set of leaves now *fingers crossed*
Early Spring 2017

Three tiny lobelia seedlings clinging to a single drop of water.
Early Spring 2017

Some of the #lobelia looking a bit floppy today. May have underwatered in an attempt not to overwater... Gave them a good spritzing this morning, hope they will perk up a bit now.
Early Spring 2017

Starting to show signs of green :)
Early Spring 2017

Never saw such tiny seedlings before, thought it was a fungus at first glance!
The #lobelia actually properly finally flowered! These are the ones I grew painfully #fromseed starting in February... 😮