Pastinaca sativa
Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Early Summer 2017
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Pastinaca sativa
Early Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

Tried pre-sprouting the #parsnip seeds to help germination, but there's nothing going on here...

Is it the right time for them to grow?

Good to know, I'll leave them for a couple more days anyway then! @gjones
Early Spring 2019

These are the craziest things I've ever grown... Last year hardly any of my #parsnip seeds germinated, so I put in some #seedlings from the #gardencentre. I got one massive parsnip which we ate for Xmas dinner, and a bunch of pathetic corkscrew things which we composted. Last month. When I completely dug over this bed. Today I went out to sow early peas and found at least 5 parsnips, growing away merrily! 🤦 They are now moved to this year's parsnip bed, let's see what happens...

Heh, I had one growing in the middle of our new lawn, must've got churned up in the soil by the landscapers. Crazy (delicious) plants
Finally some #parsnip action! Glad I waited now 😊