Saxifraga x arendsii 'Touran Scarlet'
Saxifrage 'Touran Scarlet'
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2020
- 2
Mid Spring 2019
- 6
Late Spring 2017
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 1

Saxifraga x arendsii 'Touran Scarlet'
Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020
Mid Spring 2019

Experiments in #saxifrage. A load of this #camewiththehouse but I'm not really into #alpines and had no idea how to look after it - I put it in pots and hoped for the best, but it's all started going #brown and sad looking. Clockwise from top left - 'control group' that I left in the pot, minimal top dressing with grit after #transplant, #extreme top dressing (only the best green bits still sticking out), and a small bit moved to the rockery, which should be it's best conditions.

(I don't really want it in the rockery though...)

Now that read it, that does sound kind of silly... 🤔 Maybe I should resign myself to #alpines in the #rockery...

Huh... You just reminded me I had a saxifrage... I don't remember seeing it recently, must check for that tomorrow. Do they disappear for winter? Are we just alpine murderesses?

I don't *think* they disappear, but I wouldn't swear to it... Mine has just got progressively browner and more dried out looking no matter how wet it actually is 🤨@Mikekally

Yeah I think that's what's happened to mine too then... I found some roots near where I think it was. Wonder why this happens.
Late Spring 2017

From a slightly rocky start, this little guy is coming along wonderfully! #saxifrage #camewiththehouse

Very happy!!

#pinksaxifrage #pinkflowers

Wow, that came on great!
Early Spring 2017

Nice little splash of colour for the courtyard #camewiththehouse #saxifrage
Repotted. This grit is much grittier than the last one I bought and much less like sand. I think they'll be a lot happier. #saxifrage #camewiththehouse