Echeveria Lilacina
Echeveria 'Lilacina'
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 2
Mid Winter 2018
- 3
Early Winter 2018
- 1
Late Autumn 2017
- 4
Mid Autumn 2017
- 1

Echeveria Lilacina
Early Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

My props have doubled in size recently and are looking lovely! I think they’ll be potted separately once they’re about 1/3 the size of their leaves.

Looking great! 😁
Mid Winter 2018


@gjones they’re still growing on the surface, they haven’t started rooting into the soil yet (I’ve moved this one onto white paper for the photo). Coincidentally, I’m buying the pots today and will be moving them once the main leaves start to shrivel.

Quite interesting!!
Early Winter 2018

After some emergency surgery with plenty of removed leaves, I have 13 happy props like this one which are rooting and growing new leaves!
Late Autumn 2017

Taking care of this beauty, unfortunately had to remove the bottom leaves due to rot and decided to give it a nice trim, some of the leaves were scarred from being too tight against the pot, not an issue anymore!

Opportunity for you to try propagation with the broken leaves 🤔😉😊

@gauravsh6 that’s the plan! Once they’ve grown up I’d like to gift them to my friends. Hopefully I have a high success rate!

Good Luck...Do post once they grow up
Mid Autumn 2017

One of my favourites
Awesome surprise returning from Italy to see some of these has doubled in size during the week. I’m so amazed by how successful these props are.