Viburnum x burkwoodii
Burkwood Viburnum
Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Viburnum x burkwoodii
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018

It's had weekly treatment with this to no avail 😟

@sadieberg - with this!

I think it does take a few treatments, are there any new clean leaves coming through? Can you remove some of the worst effected leaves?
Late Spring 2018

Blighted by rust. Have cleared encroaching ground cover. What next?

@PlantDoctor any suggestions regarding rust?

Those brown spots could be caused by pest or even cold damage. A good general fungal spray would be Fungus Fighter but also check for any insect pests if so use Natural Power big and mildew killer. Very safe but very effective. Also give a feed with something like Miracle gro to get it growing healthily. That’s the best prevention.

@PlantDoctor still struggling - getting worse! Would it survive a prune?

I’ve got the same problem on my viburnum

@Kerrygreen are you treating it?

@tatiemorris not yet Kate I don’t know what to do. Don’t know whether to just snip out the affected leaves there aren’t that many

Do that!! Mine is everywhere.
My Vibernum really isn't faring well. Please tag anyone who might be able to advise .......
It looks like a fungal leaf spot disease, you might need to spray with a general fungicide
@sadieberg we've sprayed it weekly for three weeks .....
You need to keep doing it, as often as it says on the bottle, 'til new clean leaves come through. You also need to try and remove the worst effected leaves and dispose of them carefully so it doesn't infect the new growth
@mrsflowerpot any advice? Was like this last year but thought I’d cleared it.
Everything that @sadieberg is sound advice. Generally once the leaves are damaged they do not clear up. The best thing to do I take off as many of the badly affected leaves as possible and disposed of them in the general waste than spray the plant with a fungicide like Fungus clear ultra. Rake up and dispose of any leaves under the plant as well. 👍🏻👍🏻
@Kerrygreen fingers crossed! 🤞