Aloe 'Juvenna'
Tiger Tooth Aloe
Mid Autumn 2020
- 7
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Mid Winter 2019
- 2
Mid Winter 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4

Aloe 'Juvenna'
Mid Autumn 2020
Early Spring 2019

Can you see the new growth?! And after adding more time to the lights he started changing colors! ☺️ #newgrowth #aloe
Mid Winter 2019

The mini aloe of the two! Big sis & little sis 😆 #aloe #aloe-juvenna #darkfoliage

One of my fave aloes!
Mid Winter 2019

Now that I know the correct identification I need to change it on Gtags! Aloe juvenna is the conclusion I've come to! They're doing pretty well I think! #aloe #aloe-juvenna #darkfoliage
Mid Autumn 2018

Another plant bought farely cheap. I did split ALL of these from a single pot. Newby here ✋ Any #advice would be taken to the heart and appreciated!

Thank you!!😊 & That is great to know! Thank you so much!!

Haha @KelsiBriana I'm just seeing this after responding to the other. 😁 lol You're the best!

#succulent #tigertoothaloe #aloe #aloe-zanzibarica
If you swipe to the left you'll see how much this guy has grown! I can't even fit him in the frame! #aloe #aloe-juvenna #tigertoothaloe
Looks like a #climbing-aloe I have a whole bunch on our front porch
Nope it’s a tiger aloe it has grown a lot
@docthrill There was a time when I didn't have my lights on.. 😔 depression is a SOB.
Lights do make a difference inside. Your not done if your like me more will come. Plants are my drug. Lol 😆
Oh shoot! @docthrill At one point I had more than 150 different species of plants!
I get that, I too have a lot of plants. Close to 200 species and growing in numbers