Mid Winter 2019
Mid Winter 2019

Yaaaaaaay! We've got #roots 😁 This makes me happy! I experimented with this! I tried both soil and water and the water didn't let me down! NOW if only I knew how long to let it grown like this before planting 🤔 lol #dracaena #propagating #propagate #new-growth

Thank you Cyndi! @cyndi It's a great feeling! ☺

@cyndi how often do you think I would need to water after planting?

I would wait for roots to get longer.
I could not find anything else around the house to prop this up that wouldn't potentially harm the plant.. Soo this is it! Lol it has worked well since. I just fill the water back up until it barely touches. #roots #propagating-dracaena #propagating #propagate #dracaena #buddha #improvise
#ingenuity #upcycling I've used way more ridiculous things than this 😍😂 @taylork
Do u find having it barely touch the water is better than submerging? I did a chop on a very old draceana recently and I don't wanna lose either peice of it...
I completely understand that feeling! 😬 I did have it submerged for a little bit in the beginning and it hadn't done much. This is actually the same situation as your having. I chopped down my dracaena too! Lol Try it and let me know what happens 😁 @heatherdirtyhands
@taylork I guess since it isn't my first go at this and submergingnwver helped I was hoping that way would be a success. Ill give it a little longer and try that way. I guess its a learning experience even with all the deaths along the way....where Are u from btw?
Saaaame here! I only started this whole gardening thing back in October and it started with a succulent arrangment I bought at a grocery store! Lmao but I'm in kansas 😒 @heatherdirtyhands How about yourself?
Hopefully you're a little warmer than me in this 34° weather 😬