Make sure you follow @DarrenVenables Estate Manager from Chewton Glen in Hampshire for some wonderful ornamental and kitchen (restaurant) garden planting 👍🙂
Michelle, you can't add to the task list. You have to add plants and if they're in the plant encyclopedia and have tasks associated with them then those tasks will appear in your task list. @mhensher
Make sure you follow @DarrenVenables Estate Manager from Chewton Glen in Hampshire for some wonderful ornamental and kitchen (restaurant) garden planting 👍🙂
Hi, could you help me please. How do you add tasks? I've been looking for ages and can't see how to do it. Tia.
Michelle, you can't add to the task list. You have to add plants and if they're in the plant encyclopedia and have tasks associated with them then those tasks will appear in your task list. @mhensher
Are those meadow foams