Beaucarnea recurvata
Elephant's Foot Palm
Mid Winter 2019
- 19
Mid Winter 2019
- 7
Late Autumn 2018
- 6
Mid Spring 2017
- 1

Beaucarnea recurvata
Mid Winter 2019
Mid Winter 2019

Getting ready to take this one outside to soak up some sun!!! It’s going up to 85F today🤗🤗👍🏻😊💕

Wow that is a spectacular elephant foot!

Don't give it sunburn. Part shade until it is acclimated

Nice haircut!

@cpl721. I have a big one I’ve had another one about 9 yrs or so!! It’s getting way to big I’m hoping to sell it to a landscaping co. Have a great day. Did u get my email???😊💕

@moore.794 Thxs for the reminder I hope all those I took out don’t have to come back in. Thxs again Terry!! Have a good one👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

@rgzonsalves. Thx you. Do you think I should keep it even to the top of the pot?? Going to post my big ponytail palm. Tell me should I trim it up??😊💕
Late Autumn 2018

This one Frank got about 2 yrs. ago it wasn’t even near a foot tall🤗

It’s really turning out real nice👍🏻🎄⛄️

Yes, it has a lovely head of hair, um leaves. 💚

It really does look like a wig 😂 gorgeous plant 💚

This looks very cool!💘😍

Love it...😉👌🏼
Mid Spring 2017

My husband bought a baby pony tail palm his has a lot more side shoots so I'm excited to watch it grow
Here’s my older ponytail palms! Couldn’t fit it all in. True opions plzzz. Should I trim it up???😊💕
It has 1 main bulbuse and 3 separate trunks going up. I’m thinking of a drastic haircut?!??
Are you advised to by the experts (google) 🤔I would check 👍🏼
Woooow so healthy 😍😍😍 marvelous work have you done grandma @terrimclaughlin
Would only trim damaged leaves. Cut with same shape as good leaves. Reason has 3 trunks is was topped & regrew. Beautiful plant
Is that Cousin It? 🤣
@jeatacake. That’s what I call him!! Didn’t know they had that show where u live!?!? My husband still watches it from time to time 🤣😂👍🏻😊💕
Oh yes, I remember it from when I was a kid. Loved it 👌 They don't make them like that anymore!
I like the cousin it look but I love seeing the trunk too maybe trim it to reveal the pretty trunk
@heatherdirtyhands I think I might do that I think it looks sloppy like this. I love to ask for advice 👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕
@jamescalli thxs for that comment 👍🏻👍🏻. I’ll tell u it’s not a real fast grower but a very cool plant this one is about 8yrs old or more. The little one is about 3 yrs. old. Their pretty easy to care for and not many insects or fungus bother it. It can handle our winters. I’d love to have it indoors but my house sits so weird I don’t have a window either really good sunlight👍🏻👍🏻😊💕