Early Spring 2019
Early Summer 2017

Finally getting some colored bracts on my bougainvillea. This was taken 2 days ago it was 109 !!! I really could use some advice... as I c those branches are heavy and laying on each other. I hate to trim it back because it's in a blooming state I guess I'll take some twine and pull them up last year they stood strong

@moore794@Acetaker@lovestogarden@ShellySnder@columbiariver@hannahchristine@spyder1980@thelser hope someone knows or has had this type of problem the bougainvillea has been there, in the ground for about 5 yrs. I hate not knowing what to do here. Thxs for any help 😊💕

@terrimclaughlin that's one plant I have never had! Sorry! Wish I were more help!😢🤔

@columbiariver yeah I already have a big blk. Trellis behind the ctr. Going up the fence and I'm going to tie some of the lower branches with twine into that fence and just trim the really low branches off. The plant has huge toxic thorns for a defense I guess so it's hard to work with but it gets beautiful Thxs for your input

Your plant is doing fine ive seen some look all droopy but then fine in the late afternoon early eavening i think thats just the way they grow cuz there full sun plants and there a bush

Looks great! You can definitely trim and train to your liking, I try to train as it grows so I don't have to trim, but sometimes they just get too long. We "experimented" this year and didn't trim ours last winter and have let it get wild, it's definitely getting trimmed next winter!

@tasheenatiara so your bougainvillea must also have heavy branches lay on others I guess it like Hannah said it's just the heat and later they perk up. I'm so glad@columbiariver Thxs for showing me tasheenatiaras bougainvillea appreciate it very much thxs

Yes heat can cause wilting, I've noticed trimming helps, probably helps 'cause there's less leaves to keep hydrated. You can also try aerating the soil too.

I'm with @columbiariver . I would train the branches to wind in the fence behind it. There are different types of Bougainvillea and this one looks like it would work well that way. I lived in a condo years ago and did this. It gave great privacy, protection and looked fantastic.

I'm with All the Ladies,Terri! If you don't want to train it through the fence get some Lattice and place it where u can train new growth. It will be hard to train the stiff Woody ones.

I with you it's a woody plant maybe from a baby you could train it but you'd be surprised how think the branche r I have a black trellis centered behind it so it won't grow through the gaps of that fence cut if those big branches r just to heavy I'll just have to cut one off booooo

I think thelser mentioned about the low branches keeping the roots cool and the oak trees naturally do that with low branches I'll get her looking good 😊💕
My bougainvillea that has purple bracts!! It’s getting so much new growth everywhere!! This one is the result of a cutting that made it!!!! Only about the 100th try lol. Hoping she be beautiful this year😊💕
@Angie thx u. Yes this one is special. I’ve always had a hard time trying to propagate woody plants plus I love the bougainvillea!!😊💕
Wow! It’s looking fantastic 😯 can’t wait to see it in bloom 💜
Looks like it's going to do fantastic Terri!💘😍
Very prettah