Angel's Trumpet
Late Autumn 2019
- 12
Late Spring 2019
- 21
Late Spring 2019
- 34
Mid Spring 2019
- 43
Late Winter 2019
- 22
Early Winter 2019
- 19

Late Autumn 2019
Late Spring 2019

I know I just posted this earlier but this gives u more of an idea how big this bloom is😊💕

WOW @terrimclaughlin that is big and gorgeous!

It's huge Terri! And very beautiful! Nice pic!

Wow!! You do have a big one!💘😍

It has a very soft color 😍

Oh boy! It's a whopper! 😍

Wow! Absolutely huge!

Wow lovely flower grandma @terrimclaughlin

Perfection !! 😍😍

Congratulations Terri big and beautiful 😍

Wow what a perfect flower gorgeous 🤗

@angii. Thank you so much!! I feel sooo lucky to have this one!!😄💕
Late Spring 2019

And she blooms!! @treefrog44. Thank you for such a beautiful gift!🤗🤗😊💕

So beautiful 🌸

Oh Terri I'm so happy for you, its beautiful 😍

Wow so lovely bloom Grandma! @terrimclaughlin


Congratulations 🎊 this one is sooo gorgeous, its looking great in your garden 😍

I'll show you my little tiny 1s

@rbetts25. Thank you very much. My first Brug.!! I can see why they have a “Brug Society”😊💕

@ShelleySnyder I can see why you love these!! Plus, I thought it was a yellow flower but this is beautiful!!😊💕

@ladeebug Thank you What a great start to my day!🤗😊💕

@alan1111 I was going to answer you yesterday when you asked if mine had bloomed but I thought this was a better answer!!! It’s so beautiful!! I think the both of us are going to have some new favorites in our garden 🤗🤗😊💕

@muhammdabbas Isn’t this just beautiful!! Thxs for the email I’ll email you back. I know it’s been way to long. I miss you🤗🤗😊💕
Mid Spring 2019

I know this looks weird but these are “Buds” on my Angel Trumpet!!! It’s my second year with this plant and I’m going to have flowers 😄☺️😃😆😊💕



Excited for you!!! I'm a long way off from any buds yet... but also growing zones apart from you!!

@terrimclaughlin yeah i hv tiny buds barely coming in that is awesome your gonna hv flowers already

@hannahchristine @treefrog44 @ShelleySnyder. Hannah I was checking it for bugs and all of a sudden I realized those were buds😃🤗. Thank you Theresa for this great plant and you Shelley for telling me they love plant food. I’m so excited 👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

@KariSamuel. Thank you so much. I love the blooms on this plant. Your right we’re already in the high 80’sF. Very hot and sunny. Such a great time of year for all of us!😊💕

You are most welcome! Enjoy your brug!!💘😍

Congratulations 😍

@jyotu Thanks I can’t wait to see the blooms.!!😊💕

@Sephy. Thank you This is my first Brug!! I think they might b one of my favorites!!😊💕

@bsf thank you. I am very happy about the plant. I hope it lives for many years 😊💕
Late Winter 2019

It’s 2nd year! Anyone coming up!! I’m very happy 👍🏻🤗😊💕

I love these Terri I look forward to seeing it in flower

Kinda jealous right now haha

Love these 😊

@alan1111 Thank you I’m so excited I was a gifted a piece with roots! Hope to get some blooms this year😊💕

Thxs Laura. I hope everything is great at your beautiful home😊💕

@jamescalli I’m so excited!! My Irish friend. I’m surprised u don’t have one of these🤗😊💕

@hareball I love these too!! Here’s hoping with enough food and sun it’ll bloom late summer 🤗😊💕

@nej Thxs nej We didn’t have these up in Michigan where I’m from but here in the hot/sunny state of Texas they bloom great! You have sooo many beautiful flowers and plants!👍🏻👍🏻😊💕

@lovestogarden Thank you so much I have another one coming up from the bottom!! I’m surprised you don’t have some of these unless I could’ve missed seeing them 😊💕

@novicegardenlover Thxs Susan. I’m sooo excited I hope it’ll bloom in late summer. These grow pretty fast and @ShelleySnyder who has some, she said their big eaters so I plan on feeding it monthly. Do you have these down in beautiful Trinidad?? Have a great day! I hope u get more of those huge elephant ear blooms 👍🏻👍🏻🤗🤗😊💕

@godfreye. Thank you! I’ve loved these flowers since I moved to Texas. I’d c them in yards passing by and just loved the whole look of the plant/flower. Now I was lucky enough to be gifted by @treefrog44 I’m so excited 🤗🤗. I hope things are growing and budding over there at your beautiful house 😊💕
Early Winter 2019

Angel Trumpet is getting new growth near the bottom 😊💕

@treefrog44 just wanted to show you my angel Trumpet you sent me it’s about twice the size I couldn’t fit it all in!!🤗🤗😊💕

Awesome looking


That's awesome! You should get blooms by summer! When it's a safe temp to bring her out of your greenhouse, make sure you feed her 2x a week with a high phosphorus plant food, and if you can find milorganite use that too!

Whoop! One day I'll have one!

#anticipation! You grow girl!👏👏👏

@ShelleySnyder @jamescalli thxs for the positive encouragement @treefrog44 sent it to me when it was about 6 inches high. It’s doing good and yes I do baby it I’m really hoping it’ll bloom this year and with a couple people helping with good advice I think I have a good chance 😊💕

That's what we are all here for! Positive encouragement!!👍💘😍

@lesliecole49 I have lots to share, let me know if you want a cutting 😉 we can do a plant swap!

I'd love one Theresa! I really don't have any plants to share but aloe veras right now. Lots of seeds tho, I can look at your wishlist. @treefrog44 I forgot to tag you

@lesliecole somehow your comment to @treefrog44 about the anger Trumpet plant came to me just wanted to tell u😊💕
I was shocked to go out to the greenhouse and see this!!! It’s good to be home. I’m just trying to get organized with my mom. I’m glad to have help with my plants. Miss everyone. I’ll try to get back into GT more regular. Winter is here. Hope y’all get a lot done over the weekend 😊💕
Been missin ya Terri! Great find!💘😍
Good to see your post 😁 and hope things settle for you soon 🙏🏻 was a lovely greenhouse greeting you got 😛
Love it!
We miss you too. Lovely surprise.
Hi Terri its good to hear from you 😊 lovely brug
Hi Terri wishing you and yours a very happy Christmas 🎄🎅
Hope you’re doing ok Terri. Miss seeing you on here ❣️
Hey Terri! Just missing your smiling presence 😊
I miss a lots😕 @terrimclaughlin
Terri, how are you? Long time no see. We're all missing you 💕
Miss you please come back