Codiaeum variegatum 'Petra'
Croton 'Petra'
Early Summer 2019
- 2
Early Spring 2019
- 7
Early Autumn 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2017
- 3

Codiaeum variegatum 'Petra'
Early Summer 2019
Early Spring 2019


Grandma what is the white thing in the pot??? @terrimclaughlin

@muhammadabbas it paper from my paper shredder I’m using it like mulch. It works real good plus it’ll just break down 😊💕

@nej thanks nej. I was worried about pruning this back but it’s doing fine!😊💕

@terrimclaughlin wow so you are using this as a paper mulching 👍

@muhammadabbas well I’m not really crazy about it. Frank said we should use it. It works to keep moisture in but I’d rather just use mulch😊💕 I’ll email you at the new email I did email u but I forgot and just replyed to an old email 😊💕

Well grandma @terrimclaughlin in this final semester we have one subject named as "Indoor plantscaping "" in which we have studied that mostly stone mulching is used for indoor plants to keep moisture for along time. You did paper mulching according to Grandpa suggestion 👍 it's a good up to the next irrigation. Yeah there is some problem in yahoo my email has not sending to you so that's why I gave you new email address. 😊
Early Autumn 2018

Very nice!!💘😍

@National thxs I’m real happy with these plants! Now let’s see if I can keep them alive and well🤗😊💕

@daisyrozanne thxs for ur comments I still smile when I get up and c all these new plants I’ve been given 😊💕
Mid Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant

The cutting under this pic came from this plant does anyone recognize it. My cutting looks like it's going to make it but I'd like to know what is is so I can care for it

Looks like a type of croton
I started this plant about 3 yrs ago. Brought back a couple small cuttings from Florida. It’s doing well. In Florida it’s more yellow foilage with green veins and here it’s more green foilage with yellow veins 🧐🤔😊💕
@columbiariver Thxs. I almost lost it a couple times but it’s doing good now I trimmed it back a lot last year it’s seems to agree with it so I’ll trim again in very early spring. Enjoy your great summer weather 😊💕