Euphorbia milii
Crown Of Thorns
Early Summer 2019
- 9
Early Spring 2019
- 14
Late Winter 2019
- 11
Late Winter 2019
- 6
Mid Winter 2019
- 7
Mid Winter 2019
- 8
Early Winter 2019
- 8
Late Autumn 2018
- 3
Mid Autumn 2018
- 9
Early Autumn 2018
- 7

Euphorbia milii
Early Summer 2019
Early Spring 2019

Now their even getting more colorful 😊💕

Just gets better and better 😍

It’s like a cup and saucer....❤️🧡💛

@terrimclaughlin awwwww pretty

Totally outrageous Terri!💘😍

Looking cool

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom. Thxs I’m amazed at this bloom but I do like it!!😊💕

@hannahchristine my Crown of Thorns is blooming like crazy!! It really seems to love the warmth in the greenhouse 🤗🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin it sure does cant wait to see it in person again and they love the humid heat ❤😊pretty pretty

@ShelleySnyder sorry I’m getting behind in answering my comments. I found my best friend from jr. high-high school on Facebook!!! So I’ve fallen behind with my GT friends. This is still in the greenhouse it seems to really like the warmth!!😊💕

@gjones I’m so proud of this one. I’m hoping it doubles its size this coming year!😊💕

@rosiebug thxs so much I’m sooo happy with this one. Hope everything is waking up at your house?!?!?!😊💕
Late Winter 2019

Never knew the blooms raised up that like in the center. Amazing!! It’s doing so good in the greenhouse, it’s still there!!!!!😊💕


Ooh la la! Very pretty @terrimclaughlin

Wow looking great

It’s really doing great! Must love it in there 😛

@ShelleySnyder Thanks Shelley that’s pretty cool how the bloom pops up like that. Have a great day. I love your positivity!!!!😂👍🏻👍🏻🎉🤗😊💕

@jyotu @gjones thanks for commenting! I got a big surprise to see this cool bloom. They’d never did that extra little pop up😂😄🤭🤗🤗😊💕

@kez001uk. I think this plant loves the heat in there!?!?!? What do I do?? I’ll leave it in a bit longer but once it hits about 85 for a few days I think it’ll b ready to come out😊💕

@plants. It looks like you have a big job ahead!! Is this part of your backyard your re-doing. How exciting!👍🏻👍🏻🤗🥂😊💕

@novicegardenlover thxs we’ve all been busy over here since, it seems like its finally spring in most states!!! I love how this plant blooms. First time I saw it bloom this way😊💕

Late Winter 2019

My Crown of Thorns is trying to “Hang in There” a few more days and we should have real sunshine 😊💕

It'll thank you if you give it aspirin

@jamescalli. How much aspirin and dilute it water??? Or how to I use that😊💕

Hi Terri I think it's one tablet to a gallon of water.@jamescalli will know for sure

Sounds about right

@alan111 Thank you I love this plant! My mom had one in Florida it looked like a small bush. Hope mine keeps getting new growth 😊💕
Mid Winter 2019

I can’t get over all the blossoms I’m getting!! I thought they stayed close to the stem but look how they extended out further!!😊💕

That’s a pretty one Terri 𗁧

Fabulous 👌💕😍

@kez001uk thxs I’m finally getting blooms on it maybe it likes cooler weather I’ll have to read up on that but I never knew the blooms grew up like that I thought they stayed close to the plant!!😊💕

@jeatacake I was so surprised to see these blooms in the winter, not one all summer. Thxs😊💕

I'm not familiar with them Terri, but they look great & any time is a good time for them to flower, especially when not much else is 👍💕

@terrimclaughlin I’ve no knowledge of them but they’re certainly beautiful 💗
Mid Winter 2019

Went out to my greenhouse yesterday to see if everything was staying alive. My Crown of Thorns is blooming in a few spots🤗😊💕


Oh it's gorgeous Terri! 😍

Very pretty for a crown of thorns 😍🌸🌸🌸

Pretty one Terri...

@hannahcristine I can’t believe it. I have 3 more spots where other flowers are blooming. Maybe they just don’t bloom when their real young?!?!!🥳🥳😊💕

@nation @rosiebug I’m sooo excited after 3 yrs it blooms!!🥳🤗👍🏻😊💕

Wagsmonthompsonbtubternetcom it is very pretty it’s a bit picky about sun water but I’m learning I’m sooo happy that its flowering 🤗🤗😊💕
Early Winter 2019

It’s blooming I have 2 other blooms too!!😊💕

Look at you blooming away, Miss Terri!💋

Finally....all summer, no blooms 😥🤔 maybe it likes the cooler weather but it is considered either a succulent or cactus I can’t remember??🤔🤗😊💕

@kimguy I hate when I think I’m answering someone than I send it and realize i didn’t put @ and your name. 😂🤣 anyway maybe this plant likes the cooler weather even though it’s considered a succulent or cactus can’t remember which it is🤣🤔🤔🤭😊💕

That's ok Terri. My mind has been mush lately. Please email me Oh I believe it is a succulent.

@jeatacake Thxs for all the thumbs up!! I sure wish this Crown of Thorns” grew faster but if this one makes it, its going to be nice and full with all the branches coming up!! I’m still concerned about my seeds not coming up not even one out of 3-73 cell trays and I know some where from late summer (the seeds) that’s why I’m guessing it was to cold. Your do ok?!?? Maybe it’s just the way the Esperanza and the other were feather like seeds. I just hate when things don’t work out. I’ll let u know

Most welcome Terri. Seeds can be frustrating things & vary a lot, but very rewarding when they grow. Some are only viable for a short time & need to be sown fresh. Some need light to germinate, some don't. Some need cold treatment (stratification), but most need consistent & even warmth for germination. Also, a sterile growing medium like vermiculite can help. 👍

@richard.spicer.7906 Thxs This plant is growing good I have another of branches coming up looking like it’ll b nice and full but their real touchy about water. I’m happy to have blooms now!! Hope it grows even more this year!!😊💕
Late Autumn 2018

Now my Crown of Thorns is giving me a bloom?!?!!! I don’t understand but I’ll take it🤗🤗🎄⛄️

@tinaaune see all summer not 1bloom and now it’s giving me a flower. It’s considered a succulent but maybe it was just too hot outside. Have s wonderful Christmas 🎄⛄️

Once mine started blooming over a year ago it hasn't stopped, in a south window and takes more water than people think @terrimclaughlin
Mid Autumn 2018

My Crown of Thorns. This is it 3rd year.😊💕

@KariSamuel Here’s the Crown of Thorns. It’s filling in but I’m not sure if I should top it of (the main stalk) or there’s 5 other separate branches coming up from the main. Not sure what to do, if anything. I gave my daughter a cutting of a good size of a branch. It didn’t make it but the cutting gave my plant new growth and only 2 flowers this summer but it needs mostly shade here in Texas. Thxs!!😊💕

@tinaaune - Can you help @terrimclaughlin with her crown of thorns? I noticed that you have one, and I don't know much about them, nor care for one myself! TIA.... 🦒

WOW @terrimclaughlin you're crown of thorns is beautiful! I'm not sure why u want to top it off unless you hate the looks of it? In that case you are safe to do so and root the sideshoots😊😘

I think I’m just going to leave it alone sometimes it’s just better. Like the old saying if it’s not broke don’t try to fix it!!!! Thxs for your tip😊💕

@anges Thxs I love this one. It’s just a slow grower but my mother had a huge one in Florida and of course everything seems to grow much better down there but I’m glad mines doing well!!😊💕

Put it in sunlight not in a shady part of your home

@jyotu it was outside in the summer here in sthrn Texas but now it’s cold should I keep it close to the gro/sunlight or just indirect light??? Like the window because there’s not much warm sun now until March 👍🏻😊💕

Semi sunlight
Early Autumn 2018

It’s grown a lot this year but their very slow growers, at least here in Texas but they get real full like a shrub😊💕

Looks great!💘😍

@columbiariver I love the crown of thrones!! In Florida their about that y’all but very bushy. I’m hoping mine will get there by next year🤗😊💕

@gjones yes I’ve tried to get more drought tolerant plants. I’ll eventually get there 👍🏻😊💕

@nej does the “Crown of Thorns” grow down there?, over there?! They just seem to b very slow growing but the end product is gorgeous just thought if they do you might have some growing tips?🤔🧐🤗😊💕

@Hannahcristine how’s yours doing? I wish I could get them to grow alittle faster I guess I need to read up alittle bit😊💕

Yours looks very nice and lush, yes we have it here. There are a few cultivars with big flowers, I think they are called lipstick, I don't have any growing at my place 😊
This is growing good this summer. Filling out. A very slow grower but I do love it!🥰😊💕
Looking good💗 @terrimclaughlin
@hannahchristine. It’s finally starting to fill out. I saw yours☺️🙂🤗😊💕
@gjones. These have such amazing blooms and pretty foilage. Have a wonderful weekend 🤗😊💕
@gardengirlla Thank you. Even last year this one was pretty bare🤭🙁 it’s doing much better now. Hope you and Hanna have a great weekend. How’s that garden doing. You have such a green thumb, both of you!!😊💕
Mine is growing like crazy without producing flowers
@jyotu mine didn’t produce flowers until last year and in September. I had it already almost 3 yrs. 🤔🙁😢. I guess it might take awhile I’m not sure but yours will, eventually!!🙂😃😊🤗🤗😊💕
Yes i can remember. Mine stopped flowering after that weird flowering
@jeatacake. Thxs. I’m so anxious for this one to get nice and full.Sorry it took so long to respond.🙂😉🤗😊💕