Microsorum diversifolium
Kangaroo Paw Fern
Early Summer 2019
- 22
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Late Winter 2019
- 10
Late Winter 2019
- 13
Late Winter 2019
- 7
Mid Autumn 2018
- 7
Early Autumn 2018
- 2

Microsorum diversifolium
Early Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

This fern is really growing this year. Something alittle bit different.😊💕

It is different! Me likey!💘😍

Thanks Shelley. It’s really growing a lot this year?!?!??😊💕

@gardengirlla Thank you. I got it from our Community College my last year there. It was something alittle bit different 🤗😊💕
Late Winter 2019

My fern from fuzz Friday 😊💕

Here’s the fern @rosiebug! I’d never seen one like this I got it when I was getting my degree in horticulture from our school greenhouse about 5 yrs ago. Have a great weekend. I’m cleaning my backyard I think spring is finally here in San Antonio Texas 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin wow this has grown from just a few leaves to alot from last time i saw it 😊

Beautiful Fern Terri!💘😍

It's gorgeous Terri! 😍

@hannahchristine I know it loved it in the greenhouse I don’t think it likes to much heat👍🏻😊💕

@ShelleySnyder @natii thank you ladies. The branches creeped out rosiebug so I thought she’d feel better if she saw the plant😊💕

@lovestogarden Thxs I like it cause it’s different!! I’m hoping I can care for it better this year I realized last year it preferred shade almost all day. So this year he gets shade all day! See if it helps 😊💕

It will probably grow great in the shade! 👏👏

That’s what I was thinking. It probably grows in forests. It’s growing a lot better now😊💕
Late Winter 2019

FuzzyFriday. This fern has stream like I’ve never seen!!! That’s what at first I thought it was a Rams horn fern!!!!😊💕

#fuzzyfriday 💘😍

Sorry about all the typos😊💕

Great #texture submission

Oh looks a bit creepy from a horror film 😱😍

@rosiebug. I know I thought it was very unique but it’s a pretty fern. I’ll take a picture of it😊💕

Looks like it's trying to escape!

@jeatacake. Do u think these are like runners?? I’ve got to read up on these.??🤗💕

@jeatacake a quick question. Do you think all flowers give seeds. Excluding bulbs and other’s similar to bulbs??? Thxs ahead is time for your opinion 😊💕

Technically yes, but there are sterile hybrids which don't & others which for one reason or another have problems getting pollinated, such as needing pollen from another plant, lack of or physical difficulties getting pollinated and a lack of the right pollinating insect/animal etc in their locality. All bulbs get seeds too by the way by exactly the same means. Always very welcome Terri 👍💕

I really have no experience of this plant BTW. Never even seen it or heard of it before so can't help with this one, sorry. It does look as though those spidery legs could be runners though? 🤔

Thxs for that. I knew some needed to b pollinated. That was bothering me cause I just figured if a flower was made a seed had to come. Totally makes since. Have a wonderful weekend 🤗🤗😊💕
Late Winter 2019

This fern really enjoyed the winter in the greenhouse!! It’s foliage is so nice 😊💕

Looks very lush Terri 👌🏼

Looks great. Good start for the coming warm seasons

It looks perfectly happy Terri! 😊

@richard.spicer.7906 Thxs this plant has branches with a weird texture. I liked it cause it was alittle different!!😊💕

@nej I like this plant because it’s not real common and I love the foliage!! Thank You nej Your yard is beautiful this year I think it’s prettier than last year. You have some real beauties 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

@natii well thank you natii hope your doing great but how couldn’t you.👍🏻👍🏻🤗 you seemed to have had some wonderful trips. Glad you had wonderful and beautiful trips😊💕
Mid Autumn 2018

Here’s that plant @mandylua what do you think?? It’s done very well this year I believe I found it’s happy place or should I say my husband did it gets a lot of shade and late afternoon sun😊💕

Looks wonderful Terri!💘😍

Sure looks nice and healthy!

@mandylua it was a very hot summer here and really everywhere this plant did really well once it got mostly shade and just moist not ever dry this past spring there wasn’t near this foliage I’ll probably put it in the greenhouse add mulch as much as u can and just watch it I’ve had it a few years. There pretty cool looking. This site is good because in a month u can compare this pic with the new one you’ll b surprised how things grow of course it winter now. Have a good night. Thxs for answering

@lesliecole49. I really like this plant my horticulture teacher let me have it about 5 years ago but since Frank put it here, this has been its best year!!! I’m sooo happy cause for awhile it wasn’t doing good at all. I’ve learned if it’s not doing good I need to remember to just keep moving it for a couple weeks at a time. Hope your ready for those trick or treaters. But do we ever get a treat??? Lol😊💕

@columbiariver this one caught my eye and it really took off this year I wonder what would happen if I’d feed it poor thing😯😢. I’m going to this spring hoping it gets much bigger. Have a great Halloween with all your kiddos 😘😘😊💕

Beautiful plant🌿💚✨
Early Autumn 2018

#foliagefriday#lovethisplant#grewgreatthisyear. @cyndi Hannahcristine found it for me Mamed after a totally different animal but pretty cool👍🏻🤗😊💕

Very cool!!💘😍
I’ve had this about 5 yrs. now and this texture just started this year. Plus it’s trailing down the sides of this huge pot! It’s amazing what plants do after they’ve matured!😊💕
Love the texture 😍
Love it
Lol I thought they were raindrops, too! That’s so neat!
@ladeebug. Thank you. This plant just started getting this texture!!😊💕
@dpkgujar Thank you. I do too!😊💕
@jkaiken. Thxs for your comment. At a glance it does look like raindrops!! I didn’t even know this was going to happen. Makes it more interesting 😊💕
@battlekittyspastica Thank you very much. This one has really grown a lot this year for some reason!!😊💕
@katemurphy011 Thank you I had to look twice when I noticed this texture 🙂😊💕
@Stephydontdoit Thank you very much. Enjoy your weekend 👍🏻🤗😊💕
@harebell Thank you. Hope you have a good weekend 🤗😊💕
@david71 Thank you! This one is really growing! I moved it into practically full shade. It’s amazing how a small move can really make our plants happy 😃☺️😊💕