Oenothera lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink' syn. Gaura lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink'
Lindheimer's Beeblossom 'Siskiyou Pink'
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 10

Oenothera lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink' syn. Gaura lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink'
Mid Spring 2018
Late Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant

There's a close up on that one I bought the other day I do think it'll need a trellis was it you lovestogarden who asked for a close up or maybe Shelly@terrimclaughlin

@terrimclaughlin the flower looks like a guara to me, called butterfly flower💘😍

I thought so too, Shelley. Terry, when you want to comment to, or reply to someone, you need to put the @ sign in front of their name, that way they receive a notification. Such as, @ShelleySnyder

Ok thxs for that I believe you had told me. So when I begin I put @ShellySnyder I love your yard@terrimclaughlin

So ladies would a nice thin type trellis be good for this flower or what are some good tips for me maybe sometype of white flowers growing to 10-12 inches high with these behind them@lesliecole49 or do I put @leslie49 at the beginning of my comment I appreciate the help I do want to do it right 😊💕

Pretty 💕🌿

I don't think you need to stake or trellis them, they are a stand alone. You can put the @ 'whoever' anywhere. And sorry if I repeat myself. Sometime I forget who I'm talking to. Lol

@terrimclaughlin thanks! I had some guara that the plant it's self got kinda lanky and I used a cut down tomato cage-the flowers stayed upright for me hope this helps!!💘😍

@ShellySnyder great idea I have a few of those and I'm sure it'll help especially when it gets real windy
My pink guara loving the sun