Escallonia 'Iveyi'
- Mid Spring 2017
- 2
- Mid Spring 2017
- 6
This escallonia was healthy last year but this spring has developed yellowing leaves and black spot. Any advice as to cause and cure, other than remove and destroy diseases leaves?
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Hello Tim welcome along 🙂 I'm afraid this is a relatively new fungal infection affecting Escallonia ... sadly it can mean the plant eventually fails, you can cut it hard back and treat with a fungicide.. Bayer fungus fighter should help ... not the best time to cut back now if you are expecting frosts but once the weather is more stable it's worth a try .. sorry it's not better news for your 1st pic @timprutton
Hello and welcome to GT.
Hi Tim, welcome to GTags @timprutton 😊😊
Hello all and thanks for the welcome. Thanks for the advice @icedance, there's such a lot of good healthy growth I'm going to try taking out offending leaves first before before hard cutback in a couple of weeks maybe if no good.
Good plan but would definitely wait until weather settles down .. I lost my escallonia hedge after a couple of hard winters back in the noughties ❄️ this is a great place to be so have fun Tim 🙂
Same escallonia after manual removal of black and yellow leaves, still a couple at the bottom but looks a lot more healthy for now