Asclepias curassavica
Late Summer 2020
Late Summer 2020

This #tropicalmilkweed was covered in #oleanderaphids or #milkweedaphids I decided to #waitandwatch a method of pest management to see which #beneficialinsect will show up😊a few of the #aphidlions came within 2 days and completely took care of the #aphids this one being the larvae of the #lacewing #greenlacewing #lacewinglarvae #insects #insect #insectstinaaune #aphidlion
#tropicalmilkweed opening now with more sign of aphids 😃 thanks again Theresa @treefrog44
@tinaaune you're welcome 😊 but I don't think I gave you the aphids with it! 🤣😂🤣 They are seriously a pain in the butt! Easy to spray off with water, but an everyday chore 😭
😆 no I think they come with the territory Theresa @treefrog44