@tinaaune I’ll send you heaps,funny because as they die off and go brown I get pipe cleaners an little eyes 👀 that move,then I give them to the kinda for the kids to make bilbees
@emch - I understand your concern for not wanting to incorrectly identify a plant. I was hoping that you would have just used the #banksia encyclopedia entry. I'm truly sorry, because I didn't want you to feel like you needed to delete your entry entirely. 💔
No worries, @KariSamuel I just saved it elsewhere. @tinaaune this photo is #totallygoth -- like something Morticia Addams would grow in her solarium...
#banksiaserrata #floralfriday #cutflowers #sawleafbanksia #longvaselife #white
So cool!!!!! 💛💙💜💚❤ @tinaaune
Extraordinary Beauty
Didn’t realise you grow them in the States,
I dont, I'm also a florist so I see these as a cut flower. I only dream I could grow these here. @nosnoj26
@tinaaune I’ll send you heaps,funny because as they die off and go brown I get pipe cleaners an little eyes 👀 that move,then I give them to the kinda for the kids to make bilbees
@emch - I understand your concern for not wanting to incorrectly identify a plant. I was hoping that you would have just used the #banksia encyclopedia entry. I'm truly sorry, because I didn't want you to feel like you needed to delete your entry entirely. 💔
No worries, @KariSamuel I just saved it elsewhere. @tinaaune this photo is #totallygoth -- like something Morticia Addams would grow in her solarium...