I was looking a #FiberOpticGrass and saw this. Is this still thriving & growing well for you? I love how it looks but my experience wasn't a good one. Looking for feedback.
We grow this as am annual grass every season at our greenhouse, this season more popular than ever, sold out! @TexasTanya it will look a little crappy by mid season so I give it a trim by "pulling" out the bad looking clumps and it revives and looks fresh again, we don't save it from season to season but I know it does grow from the seed it produces😊
#foliagefriday #fiberopticgrass
I was looking a #FiberOpticGrass and saw this. Is this still thriving & growing well for you? I love how it looks but my experience wasn't a good one. Looking for feedback.
We grow this as am annual grass every season at our greenhouse, this season more popular than ever, sold out! @TexasTanya it will look a little crappy by mid season so I give it a trim by "pulling" out the bad looking clumps and it revives and looks fresh again, we don't save it from season to season but I know it does grow from the seed it produces😊
It is hardy zone 8+ @TexasTanya