Tradescantia pallida 'Variegata'
Purple-Heart Spiderwort 'Variegata'
Late Winter 2021
- 4
Mid Autumn 2020
- 10
Late Winter 2020
- 2

Tradescantia pallida 'Variegata'
Late Winter 2021
Mid Autumn 2020

#variegatedpurpleheart #stripedfoliage #stripeyfoliage #purple I've noticed that lately some comments should be overlooked and maybe not commented on at all 💚😊 #keepthepeace #bekind

I love your variegated purple heart wandering jew💜❤I've never seen one before, just the red ones😘 @tinaaune so pretty #wanderingjewjourney

Thank u Thelma @crabby58 I love it too💜

Oolala! Love the stripey!!💘😍

I was just thinking the other day, that in 4 years on gt , I’ve never come across trolls or someone being nasty. Yogie?? was arguing over cactus. Cyndi had to have a word. Got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. How are you feeling? Any lasting effects? Xx

I'm up and about and much better @Sussanah but then u have a day where u feel miserable, gonna take some time I think😊 thanks for asking😗

That is a beautiful plant. Colours are so pretty. Hope you are feeling better. I hear it does take time so try to take it easy. 💕😊

Thanks Diane! @hkyfvr trying to take it easy but had to go back to work😛

Oh dear. Look after yourself. 💕💕😊

Is this also called T. Pink Stripe? I have a few of them and I ❤them!!
Love those fuzzy leaves!! Beautiful picture capturing that :)