Cytisus x boskoopii 'Boskoop Ruby' syn. Cytisus 'Boskoop Ruby'
Broom 'Boskoop Ruby'
Mid Spring 2017
- 9

Cytisus x boskoopii 'Boskoop Ruby' syn. Cytisus 'Boskoop Ruby'
Mid Spring 2017
Morning, #broom have a good day 😀
Morning Franca gorgeous shrub 😘🤗
Morning Franca, that's lovely, I haven't got any Broom yet, but watch this space. 😀😀😀
Morning Franca hubster bought this one and the orange one for the new border they are lovely 😊
Lovely colour broom 😊
Have to show my daughter Ruby this!!
#redbroom #redcytisus
Gorgeous ❤️
Look forward to seeing it @pelly not seen an orange one before @nessas easy too! Perfect for her @broughgardens thank you @daisy-jane @katgreen @juliesgarden 😁