Pieris japonica 'Carnaval'
Mid Summer 2017
Mid Spring 2017

Please does anyone know what this plant is? It was left by the previous house owners and I want to know the best way to look after it 😊

@tori92 ......this is a PIERIS possibly 'FOREST FLAME' Victoria :)

Thank you @flof1952! It's been in a pot since we brought the house 2 years ago, do you know if it will disturb it too much if I plant it into the ground? Also, the plant has never flowered while we've had it?

@tori92 .......it may well be pot bound Victoria. I think if you watered it well before planting in the garden it should be ok ......water it well thereafter until it is established :)

@flof1952 thank you very much :)

@tori92 ......you're welcome. Forgot to say give the plant a good feed once you've planted it Victoria :)