Centradenia floribunda
Spanish Shawl
Late Autumn 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2020
- 4
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Early Winter 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Spring 2019
- 4
Early Autumn 2018
- 7

Centradenia floribunda
Late Autumn 2020
Late Autumn 2020

#spanishshawl #groundcover #beemagnet

Beautiful #pentagonal flowers! I have never seen one of these before

Beautiful flowers 💜😊

They look like they are velvet 💗so pretty @treefrog44
Early Spring 2020

#spanishshawl #creeper #groundcover
Early Spring 2020

#bestofmarch #spanishshawl #groundcover
Early Winter 2020

Mid Autumn 2019

#spanishshawl #bestofoctober
Mid Spring 2019

@niching got a nice size plant ready for you! Email me your address! tabryangav16@yahoo.com

Those leaves are gorgeous!

@janetandjim swipe the picture left to see the flower 😉

@treefrog that is just as pretty. Winning combination-gorgeous foliage and pretty flowers!
Early Autumn 2018

Help me identify this plant #plantid thought I had it cataloged from last year 😕 got this as a cutting, low growing perennial here in zone 9

@treefrog44 could it be a purple glory flower or melastome of some sort? Vietnam has a lot of these plant growing in the wild and it’s on my wish list. ;)

No sorry @niching I have a purple glory flower, a #tibouchina. They grow wild in Hawaii as well. This is like a ground cover, the flower does have similar qualities of a tibouchina...

@treefrog44 I was looking for an evergreen ground cover rather than just having Alyssum and verbenas and randomly came across “Spanish Shawl” which is coincidentally related to the tibouchina. It does seem like your photo and what you describe. It seems to be an evergreen ground cover and is now officially on my wish list. ;)

@niching I saw this plant last weekend at a plant nursery, it is a #spanishshawl I can send you some cuttings :) They root real easy 😉 send me an email tabryangav16@yahoo.com we can set up a swap!

Seen this also called a #heterocentronelegans #heterocentron @brightcolors do I have this cataloged correctly? #centradenia #centrdeniafloribunda

@treefrog44 you’re awesome!! I would love some 😍🥰 thanks!!!
#spanishshawl #spanishshawlflowerbud #groundcover #yearroundflowers