Cestrum nocturnum
Night-blooming Jasmine
Early Autumn 2023
- 1
Early Winter 2020
- 1
Early Autumn 2020
- 4
Early Autumn 2020
- 2
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2019
- 2
Early Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2019
- 10
Mid Autumn 2018
- 7
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4
Early Spring 2018
- 11
Late Autumn 2017
- 1

Cestrum nocturnum
Early Autumn 2023
Early Winter 2020

#nightbloomingjasmine #decemberblooms #fragrant
Early Autumn 2020

#nightbloomingjasmine #fragrant perfumes the whole yard!


@gjones it really does! I have rooted cuttings do I can plant more all over!

That is Beautiful!! And the fragrance is amazingly wonderful!! 🤩🤩
Early Autumn 2020

#nightbloomingjasmine #fragrant its in the back of the yard, I could smell it as soon as I walked outside 🥰

Late Spring 2020

Late Autumn 2019

#nightbloomingjasmine #rootedcuttings Thank you @ShelleySnyder! Months ago I took some cuttings, put in a milk jug, added water and tucked them in a shady spot... forgot about them 😂😂😂

Glad it worked! I took a few cuttings and was unsuccessful this year!🤦🤷🤔💘😍
Early Autumn 2019

#nightbloomingjasmine #bestofseptember
Early Autumn 2019

#nightbloomingjasmine I knew it was blooming as soon as I stepped outside! #wonderfulscent
Early Summer 2019


I love their scent!

@Luna_Lina I agree! They are amazing!
Early Summer 2019

#nightbloomingjasmine #flowerbuds

Fantabulous!! Don't you just love this!?💘😍

@ShelleySnyder if I could have this all over! I love the smell 😀

You can! It roots incredibly easy in water, just let it get very very rooty before planting in dirt, I've done it many times! I just read that it is considered the strongest best smelling flower in the world!😳 I treat mine just like the angels trumpets and it gets loaded and I mean loaded with blooms every year!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder do you take cuttings from new or old wood to root?

Well I guess it's sorta old cuz I usually do it when I cut it back in the spring, I take the fattest wood to root just like the brugs cuz for me it seems to root the best 💘😍

Thanks @ShelleySnyder that info helps! 😉

Oh good! Are you going to try some?💘😍

Yes! Wish me luck 🍀@ShelleySnyder

Oooh! Good luck! Do show your progress!💘😍
Mid Autumn 2018

#nightbloomingjasmine blooms open up at night, and release an amazing fragrance #fragrant #fragrantflower

I think this may be one of the strongest night scented plant there is! I can smell mine in the house about 50ft away! Unbelievable!!💘😍

I lovvvve the smell of jasmine! So rich and deeply scented. 😍

Oooo! Lovely!

Dangerous tree 😅

Beautiful 💛β¨

You love snakes aren't you?
Mid Autumn 2018

#nightbloomingjasmine loaded with blooms! And a photo bomb by Penelope

Is this like a climbing or can be trained @treefrog44

@tina it is a shrub... yes it can be pruned and kept maintained 😉 I have let some things get out of hand this year! 😂😂😂

I know my dad grew it in Kenya but never knew the name and in 5he evening the fragrant was so lovely . Thanks you @treefrog44 β€
Early Spring 2018

The smell is amazing! #nightbloomingjasmine

Ooooohhhhweeee!! One of my favorites! The smell on mine will waft about 50ft from the plant so I get to smell it in the house!💘😍

Waft it toward my place!😎💜 @ShelleySnyder

I bet it smells divine 💕 @treefrog44

@kimguy it's on it's way!😂💘😍

Oh...lucky you...;one of my favorites too...β€οΈ

Ok Shelley blow me away!!!💨 @ShelleySnyder

@kimguy I'm blowing as hard as I can!😂😂💘😍

Shelley STOP! You blew snow flurriesβββ. Lol. Luckily they are very light and scattered.😎💜 @ShelleySnyder

@kimguy sorry I guess I just got carried away and I don't realize how strong I am!😂😂😂💘😍

Ugh! It won't keep showingβββ it's not sticking BUT!!! This practical joke of Mother Natures has gone on top long😎💜 @ShelleySnyder
Late Autumn 2017

Love the smell! Wish I could leave it in my car Lol!
#nightbloomingjasmine #tinyflowers #fragrant