Ipomoea quamoclit syn. Quamoclit pennata
Mid Autumn 2018
Mid Autumn 2018

I do so enjoy #cypressvine and apparently it LOVES Savannah! I have tried to keep it in my yard but alas it has escaped next door. 😕

Did you know that was my first plant I planted

Who doesn’t like Savannah? Haha. I love this plant! How do you propagate that?

@tastar7, seed! It self seeds like crazy! I would say it verges on invasive. However, it’s really easy to pull up so it is easily managed but if you let it go... it GOES! I have a small piece I didn’t pull during fall cleaning. I’ll try to remember to get a picture tomorrow. *if it makes it through tonight. Expecting low of 37! 😱😱😱 I’ll send you some with the other! 😁

It’s going to be 39° here tonight on the Treasure Coast, which is cold for us. I’m leaving my babies on my patio but thinking about covering them when the sun goes down to try to give them some extra protection. That plant is awesome. Do you ever get seeds off of this plant?

@tastar7 - I have some now. I will send you some when I send the BWJ.

Awesoooome! So excited!
#cypressvine #prolific #red #hummingbirdslovethis #Ihopemyneighborlikesit 😁