Philodendron hederaceum var. oxycardium 'Brasil' syn. Philodendron hederaceum 'Brasil', Philodendron 'Brasil', Philodendron scandens 'Brasil'
Philodendron 'Brasil'
Early Winter 2023
- 5
Late Autumn 2020
- 9
Late Autumn 2020
- 3

Philodendron hederaceum var. oxycardium 'Brasil' syn. Philodendron hederaceum 'Brasil', Philodendron 'Brasil', Philodendron scandens 'Brasil'
Early Winter 2023
Late Autumn 2020

Here's another one I made from dollar store materials


Beautiful🌟mind if I ask how you made the pot? Love it👍 #luvthatplanter @txgardener

No not all @crabby58. I bought some clear hard plastic party cups from the $ store. I think there's six to a pack. Took wrapping paper, folded it around the cup and Modge Podge the crap out of it. 3 to 5 layers of Modge. Let it dry. Drill some holes in the bottom of it. Glue some rhinestones on. Not expecting it to hold up forever but maybe until it needs a bigger pot. 😉

Fantastic idea @txgardener you would never guess that's all that is, is a plastic cup😃👍love it 💕

Great idea. Love the pot. It is awesome 👍😻

It is stunning! It looks like you paid a lot for it. I need to try this.

Thanks @cheriej I appreciate the compliment. That's what I was going for. 😉 I think the most expensive thing about the gift was the glue and maybe the dirt.

That’s awesome! My kind of crafts!!
Late Autumn 2020

Accidentally broke a piece off in transporting. Finally got this bad boy to #root #testtube

That's always a great feeling👍 @txgardener

It's the best @crabby58
#gift #friendfriday Made this for a friend. Had everything on hand. The poll is made from bamboo stalk, recycled basket Coco liner, and twine.
Thank u @gjones. She needed something for a large kitchen window, so I told her I would hook her up. She doesn't have the best track record when it comes to plants though.💀
Looks awesome. Perfect gift. 💚😍
Thank you @hkyfvr ❤️ ur so sweet. I agree with ya, plants are the perfect gift 🎁
Always welcome Kristin. Thanks too. Hope it thrives for your friend 💚